논문명 | Deep Learning Representation using Autoencoder for 3D Shape Retrieval |
저자(소속) | () |
학회/년도 | IROS 2015, 논문 |
키워드 | |
참고 | |
코드 |
2D CNN이 잘 동작 하는 이유 : image representation에서 특징을 잘 추출 할수가 있어서
3D의 문제점 : 3D shape representation에 딥러닝을 바로 적용하는건 어려움
본 논문의 타켓인 retrieval task
에 위에서 언급한 지도기반 방식은 맞지 않는다. The above developments of deep learning are in a supervised way and are not suitable for retrieval task.
비지도 기반 방식들 : From the aspect of unsupervised deep learning,
[4] Alex Krizhevsky, Geoffrey E. Hinton, Using very deep autoencoders for content-based image retrieval, In ESANN. Citeseer, 2011.
[5] Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Meina Kan, Xilin Chen, Coarse-to-fine auto-encoder networks (cfan) for real-time face alignment, In European Conference on Computer Vision, 2014.
동작 과정
Until now, few approaches based on deep learning frameworks have been proposed to deal with 3D shape retrieval.
Following [6], Fang et al. [7] trained a deep neural network using Eigen-shape descriptor and Fisher-shape descriptor
Heat shape descriptor developed from Heat Kernel Signature is fed into the network
Wu et al. [8] constructed a large-scale 3D CAD model dataset to train a convolutional deep belief network.
[6] Zhuotun Zhu, Xinggang Wang, Song Bai, Cong Yao, Xiang Bai, Deep learning representation using autoencoder for 3d shape retrieval, In Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics (SPAC), 2014 International Conference on, IEEE, 2014, pp. 279–284.
[7] Yi Fang, Jin Xie, Guoxian Dai, Meng Wang, Fan Zhu, Tiantian Xu, Edward Wong, 3d deep shape descriptor, In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015, pp. 2319–2328.
[8] Zhirong Wu, Shuran Song, Aditya Khosla, Fisher Yu, Linguang Zhang, Xiaoou Tang, Jianxiong Xiao, 3d shapenets: A deep representation for volumetric shapes, In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015.
Different from recent works in [7] and [8], we adopt view-based approaches.
Motivated by other view-based 3D shape methods [9,10], in which a 3D shape can be projected into many 2D depth images,
- we aim to use autoencoder to learn a 3D shape representation based on the depth images obtained by projection.
[9] Dingyun Chen, Xiaopei Tian, Yute Shen, Ming Ouhyoung, On visual similarity based 3D model retrieval, Computer Graphics Forum 22 (2003) 223–232.
[10] Zhouhui Lian, A. Godil, Xianfang Sun, Visual similarity based 3d shape retrieval using bag-of-features, In Shape Modeling International Conference (SMI), 2010, June 2010, pp. 25–36.
둘은 상호 보완재이다. This global deep learning representation and the representation based on local descriptors are complementary to each other.
view-based approaches의 기본 아이디어 two 3D models are similar if they look similar with each other from all viewing angles
본 논문에서는 view-based approaches를 채택 하였으므로 이에 대한 내용을 많이 다루겠다.
In [13], Cyr and Kimia recognized a 3D shape by comparing a view of the shape with all views of 3D objects using shock graph matching.
Osada et al. [14] proposed the shape distribution descriptor that measures properties based on area, angle, distance and volume measurements between a random set of points on the object.
두 물체의 유사성은 D2함수로 구할수 있다. The similarity between two objects is defined by suitable shape functions, e.g. the D2 function.
SIFT를 이용하여 3D모습을 복원 하였다. Ohbuchi et al. [11] utilized local visual features by using the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) [15] to retrieve 3D shapes.
A host of local features describing the 3D models is integrated into a histogram using Bag-of-Features [16] to reduce the computation complexity.
Vranic [17] presented a composite 3D shape feature vector (DESIRE) which consists of depth buffer images, silhouettes and ray-extents of a polygonal mesh.
The composite of various feature vectors extracted in a canonical coordinate frame generally performs better than the single method which relies on pairwise alignment of 3D objects.
Later on, Papadakis et al. [18] made use of a hybrid descriptor (Hybrid) which consists of both depth buffer based 2D features and spherical harmonies based 3D features.
Meanwhile, Lian et al. [10] used Bag-of-Features and Clock Matching (CM-BoF) on a set of depth-buffer views obtained from the projections of the normalized object.
Recently, Bai et al. [21] adopted contour fragments as the input features for learning a BoW model, which is general and efficient for both 2D and 3D shape matching.
The LFD is insensitive to similarity transform, geometry degeneracy and noise, etc, thus shows better performance than other competing approaches.