논문명 | A Large Dataset to Train Convolutional Networks for Disparity, Optical Flow, and Scene Flow Estimation |
저자(소속) | Nikolaus Mayer (uni-freiburg.de) |
학회/년도 | CVPPR 2016, 논문 |
키워드 | Nikolaus2016, $$scene flow \in {disparity estimation, optical flow estimation}$$ |
데이터셋(센서)/모델 | KITTI, |
관련연구 | FlowNet1 |
참고 | 홈페이지, Youtube |
코드 | Code |
최근 연구 결과 optical flow도 CNN을 통해 해결 가능함을 확인 하였다. Recent work has shown that optical flow estimation can be formulated as a supervised learning task and can be successfully solved with convolutional networks.
Training of the so-called FlowNet was enabled by a large synthetically generated dataset.
본 논문은 optical flow를 disparity & scene flow로 확장 하였다. The present paper extends the concept of optical flow estimation via convolutional networks to disparity and scene flow estimation.
데이터셋 공개 three synthetic stereo video datasets
Estimating scene flow 정의 : providing the depth and 3D motion vectors of all visible points in a stereo video.
The full scene flow problem has not been explored to the same extent.
부분적 scene flow는 Sub tasks 결과의 의 간단한 조합으로 해결이 가능하다. While partial scene flow can be simply assembled from the subtask results,
it is expected that the joint estimation of all components would be advantageous, with regard to both efficiency and accuracy.
Sub-task보다 scene flow에 대한 연구가 미흡한건 annotated ground truth data의 부족 때문 이기도 하다. One reason for scene flow being less explored than its subtasks seems to be a shortage of fully annotated ground truth data.
[4-FlowNet#1]의 연구에 따르면 optical flow estimation은 지도기반 학습 방법으로 큰 네트워크를 이용하면 해결 가능하다는 것을 보였다. Dosovitskiyet al. [4] showed that optical flow estimation can be posed as a supervised learning problem and can be solved with a large network.
For training their network, they created a simple synthetic 2D dataset of flying chairs, which proved to be sufficient to predict accurate optical flow in general videos.
[4]의 결과로 볼때 disparities & sceneflow 역시 CNN으로 해결 가능 할듯 하다. These results suggest that also disparities and sceneflow can be estimated via a convolutional network, ideally jointly, efficiently, and in real-time.
What is missing to implement this idea is a large dataset with sufficient realism and variability to train such a network and to evaluate it sperformance.
Dosovitskiy et al. [4] trained convolutional networks for optical flow estimation on a synthetic dataset of moving 2D chair images superimposed on natural background images.
[4] A. Dosovitskiy, P. Fischer, E. Ilg, P. Hausser, C. Hazırbas¸, V. Golkov, P. van der Smagt, D. Cremers, and T. Brox. FlowNet: Learning optical flow with convolutional networks. In ICCV, 2015
3개의 데이터셋 공개 In this paper, we present a collection of three such datasets, made using a customized version of the opensource 3D creation suite Blender.
제공 데이터셋은 Sintel데이터셋과 유사함. Our effort is similar in spirit to the Sintel benchmark [2].
Sintel데이터셋과 다른점 In contrast to Sintel`,
We cannot exploit the full potential of this dataset in a single paper, but we already demonstrate various usage examples in conjunction with convolutional network training.
We train a network for disparity estimation, which yields competitive performance also on previous benchmarks, especially among those methods that run in real-time.
Finally,we also present a network for scene flow estimation and provide the first quantitative numbers on full scene flow on a sufficiently sized test set.
Recent applications of convolutional networks include also
[6] D. Eigen, C. Puhrsch, and R. Fergus. Depth map prediction from a single image using a multi-scale deep network. NIPS,2014.
The FlowNet of Dosovitskiy et al. [4] is most related to our work.
It uses an encoder-decoder architecture with additional cross links between contracting and expanding network parts,
We adapt this approach for disparity estimation.
The disparity estimation method in Zbontar et al. [28]uses a Siamese network for computing matching distances between image patches.
To actually estimate the disparity,the authors then perform cross-based cost aggregation [29]and semi-global matching (SGM) [11].
In contrast to our work, Zbontar et al. have no end-to-end training of a convolutional network on the disparity estimation task, with corresponding consequences for computational efficiency and elegance.
[28]이후에 나온 [DL4SM]에서 속도 문제 해결
[28] J. Zbontar and Y. LeCun. Stereo matching by training a convolutional neural network to compare image patches. arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.05970, 2015.
disparity estimation와 optical flow estimation에 대한 연구는 많지만, scene flow연구는 별로 없다.
해당 연구도 학습 기반은 아니다. None of them uses a learning approach.
Scene flow연구는 [23]을 시초로 시작 되었다. Scene flow estimation was popularized for the first time by the work of Vedula et al. [23] who analyzed different possible problem settings.
다음은 [23]연구의 확장 버젼 들이다. Later works were dominated by variational methods.
[23] S. Vedula, S. Baker, P. Rander, R. Collins, and T. Kanade. Three-dimensional scene flow. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(3):475–480, 2005
The fastest method in KITTI’s scene flow top 7 is from Cech et al. [3] with a runtime of 2.4 seconds.
[3] J. Cech, J. Sanchez-Riera, and R. P. Horaud. Scene flow estimation by growing correspondence seeds. In CVPR, 2011
Optical flow정의 : a projection of the world’s 3D motion onto the image plane.
일반적으로 scene flow는 3D를 기반으로 한다.
스테레오 비전의 t+1시간후에는 4개의 사진이 있다고 가정하다. Assume two successive time frames $$t$$ and $$t+ 1$$ of a stereo pair, yielding four images ($$I^t_L, I^t_R, I^{t+1}_L, I^{t+1}_R$$).
Scene flow provides for each visible point in one of these four images the point’s 3D position and its 3D motion vector [24].
이런 3D 정보는 카메라의 intrinsics 와 extrinsics정보를 알경우에만 계산된다. These 3D quantities can be computed only in the case of known camera intrinsics and extrinsics.
A camera independent definition of scene flow is obtained by the separate components optical flow, the disparity, and the disparity change [12], cf. Fig. 2.
[24] S. Vedula, S. Baker, P. Rander, R. T. Collins, and T. Kanade. Three-dimensional scene flow. In ICCV, pages 722–729, 1999.
[12] F. Huguet and F. Deverney. A variational method for scene flow estimation from stereo sequences. In ICCV, 2007.
Figure 2. Given stereo images at times t−1, t and t+1, the arrows indicate disparity and flow relations between them.
The red components are commonly used to estimate scene flow.
In our datasets we provide all relations including the blue arrows.
This representation is complete in the sense that the visible 3D points and their 3D motion vectors can be computed from the components if the camera parameters are known.
Given the disparities at t and t+1, the disparity change is almost redundant.
Thus, in the KITTI 2015 scene flow benchmark [17], only optical flow and disparities are evaluated.
In this case, scene flow can be reconstructed only for surface points that are visible in both the left and the right frame.
Especially in the context of convolutional networks,it is particularly interesting to estimate also depth and motion in partially occluded areas.
Moreover, reconstruction of the 3D motions from flow and disparities is more sensitive to noise, because a small error in the optical flow can lead to a large error in the 3D motion vector.
[17] M. Menze and A. Geiger. Object scene flow for autonomous vehicles. In Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015.
[Table 2. Specification of DispNet architecture.]
- The contracting part consists of convolutions conv1 to conv6b.
- In the expanding part, upconvolutions (upconvN), convolutions (iconvN, prN) and loss layers are alternating.
- Features from earlier layers are concatenated with higher layer features. The predicted disparity image is output by pr1.