논문명 | SEGCloud: Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds |
저자(소속) | Lyne P. Tchapmi(스탠포) |
학회/년도 | arXiv Oct 2017 , 논문 |
키워드 | 공간인지 |
데이터셋(센서)/모델 | 실내(NYU V2, S3DIS), 실외(KITTI, Semantic3D.net) |
관련연구 | |
참고 | 홈페이지 |
코드 |
Coarse voxel predictions from a 3D Fully Convolutional NN are transferred back to the raw 3D points via trilinear interpolation.
Then the FC-CRF enforces global consistency and provides fine-grained semantics on the points.
We implement the latter as a differentiable Recurrent NN to allow joint optimization.
시멘틱 세그멘테이션은 그래픽모델의 설명력(representational power)
을 활용하여 많이 연구 되었다.
일반적인 방법은 분류 단계와 CRF를 합쳐서 라벨링 하는 것이다.
Random Forests classifiers [7, 15] have shown great performance on this task, however the Random Forests classifier and CRF stage are often optimized independently and put together as separate modules, which limits the information flow between them.
3D-FCNN은 좋은 후보 알고리즘 이다. 3D Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (3D-FCNN) [42] are a strong candidate for the classifier stage in 3D Point Cloud Segmentation.
하지만 다음 제약들이 있다.
[42] J. Long, E. Shelhamer, and T. Darrell. Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015.
We tackle this issue in our framework
다음 3가지 요소를 사용하여서 문제 해결을 하였다. We propose an end-to-end framework that leverages the advantages of
3요소를 좀더 자세히 살펴 보면. In detail,
Transferring class probabilities to points before the CRF step, allows the CRF to use point level modalities (color, intensity, etc.) to learn a fine-grained labeling over the points
, which can improve the initial coarse 3D-FCNN predictions.
Given that each stage of our pipeline is differentiable, we are able to train the framework end-to-end using standard stochastic gradient descent.
본 논문의 기여도 The contributions of this work are:
본 논문의 방식은 다양한 입력을 받을수 있따. Our framework can handle 3D point clouds from various sources (laser scanners, RGB-D sensors, etc.)
3D Neural Networks have been extensively used for 3D object and parts recognition[60, 54, 46, 25, 53, 21], understanding object shape priors, as well as generating and reconstructing objects [73,71, 19, 70, 12].
Recent works have started exploring the use of Neural Networks for 3D Semantic Segmentation[53, 16, 32].
Qi et al. [53] propose a Multilayer Perceptron(MLP) architecture
Their method operates at the point level and thus inherently provides a fine-grained segmentation.
It works well for indoor semantic scene understanding,although there is no evidence that it scales to larger input dimensions without additional training or adaptation required.
[53] C. R. Qi, H. Su, K. Mo, and L. J. Guibas. Pointnet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classificatio and segmentation. CoRR, abs/1612.00593, 2016
[32] S. Y. J. Huang. Point Cloud Labeling using 3D Convolutional Neural Network. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 1–6, 2016 (공중+차량 포인트 클라우드)
[16] A. Dai, A. X. Chang, M. Savva, M. Halber, T. Funkhouser,and M. Nießner. Scannet: Richly-annotated 3d reconstructions of indoor scenes. arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.04405, 2017
앞서 말한것들의 제약 All the aforementioned methods are limited by the fact that
하지만 제안 방식은 In contrast, our method makes fine-grained predictions for each point in the 3D input, explicitly enforces spatial consistency and models class interactions through a CRF.
Also,in contrast to [53], we readily scale to larger and arbitrarilysized inputs, since our classifier stage is fully convolutional.
Our framework builds on top of a long line of works combining graphical models( [61, 62, 39, 20, 38]) and highly engineered classifiers.
Early works on 3D Semantic Segmentation formulate the problem as a graphical model built on top of a set of features.
Such models have been used in several works to capture contextual relationships based on various features and cues such as appearance, shape, and geometry.
These models are shown to work well for this task [50, 49, 36, 58, 44, 3, 48].
최근 추세는 A common paradigm in 3D semantic segmentation
Random Forests [7, 15] are a popular choice of classifier in this paradigm and in 3D Segmentation in general[75, 17, 9, 8, 51, 67]; they use hand-crafted features to robustly provide class scores for voxels, over segmentsor 3D Points.
In [45], the spin image descriptor is used as a feature, while [68] uses a 14-dimensional feature vector based on geometry and appearance.
Hackel et al. [27] also define a custom set of features aimed at capturing geometry,appearance and location.
In these works, the RandomForests output is used as unary potentials (class scores) for a CRF whose parameters are learned independently.
The CRF then leverages the confidence provided by the classifier, as well as similarity between an additional set of features,to perform the final inference.
In contrast to these methods, our framework uses a 3D-FCNN which can learn higher dimensional features and provide strong unaries for each data point.
Moreover, our CRF is implemented as a fully differentiable Recurrent Neural Network, similar to[76].
This allows the 3D-FCNN and CRF to be trained end-to-end,and enables information flow from the CRF to the CNN classification stage.
Combining 3D CNN and 3D CRF has been previously proposed for the task of lesion segmentation in 3D medical scans.
Kamnitsas et al. [34] propose a multi-scale 3D CNN with a CRF to classify 4 types of lesions from healthy brain tissues.
The method consists of two modules that are not trained end-to-end:
In the CRF training stage, the authors reduce the problem to a 2-class segmentation task in order to find parameters for the CRF that can improve segmentation accuracy.
Joint end-to-end training of CNN and CRF was first demonstrated by [76] in the context of image semantic segmentation,
The combinationof CNN and CRF trained in an end-to-end fashion demonstrated state-of-the-art accuracy for semantic segmentation in images.
In [76] and other related works [42, 10], theCNN has a final upsampling layer with learned weights which allows to obtain pixel level unaries before the CRF stage.
Our work follows a similar thrust by defining the CRF as an RNN and using a trilinear interpolation layer to transfer the coarse output of the 3D-FCNN to individual 3D points before the CRF stage.
In contrast to [34], our framework is a single stream architecture which jointly optimizes the 3D CNN and CRF, targets the domain of 3D Scene PointClouds, and is able to handle a large number of classes both at the CNN and CRF stage.
Unlike [76, 42, 10], we choose to use deterministic interpolation weights that take into accountthe metric distance between a 3D point and its neighboring voxel centers (Section 3.2).
Our approach reducesthe number of parameters to be learned, and we find it to work well in practice.
We show that the combination of jointly trained 3D-FCNN and CRF with TI consistently performs better than a stand alone 3D-FCNN.
[Figure 1: SEGCloud]
- A 3D point cloud is voxelized and fed through a 3D fully convolutional neural network to produce coarse downsampled voxel labels.
- A trilinear interpolation layer transfers this coarse output from voxels back to the original 3D Points representation.
- The obtained 3D point scores are used for inference in the 3D fully connected CRF to produce the final results.
- Our framework is trained end-to-end.
the 3D data is voxelized and the resulting 3D grid is processed by a 3D fully convolutional neural network (3D-FCNN)1.
The 3DFCNN down-samples the input volume and produces probability distributions over the set of classes for each downsampled voxel (Section 3.1).
Our entire pipeline is jointly optimized and the CRF inference and joint optimization processes are presented in Section4.