The PDA algorithm calculates the association probabilities to the target being tracked for each validated measurement at the current time.
This probabilistic or Bayesian information is used in the PDAF tracking algorithm, which accounts for the measurement origin uncertainty.
Since the state and measurement equations are assumed to be linear, the resulting PDAF algorithm is based on KF.
If the state or measurement equations are nonlinear, then PDAF is based on EKF.
위 그림은 PDAF의 순서도 이다. 몇가지 추가 모듈을 빼고는 칼만필터와 유사 하다. Figure 3 summarizes one cycle of a PDAF, which is similar to KF with the following additional features:
A PDAF has a selection procedure for the validated measurements at the current time.
For each such measurement,
an association probability is computed for use as the weighting of this measurement in the combined innovation.
The resulting combined innovation is used in the update of the state estimate;
The stages of the algorithm are presented next.
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