탐지, 추적, 인지가 가능한 통합 솔루션 제안 The recent advancements in computer vision technology have ensured that it has an increasingly important position in intelligent transportation.This paper proposes an integral system, including object detection and tracking, to recognize multiple objects in dynamic and complex real-world scenes.
기반은 SSD방식의 SqueezeNet 활용. 탐지기는 추적기 이후에 수행된다. 추적기는 CNN기반 여러 Feature+ motion information+shape information들을 Fuse한다. A backbone network of the single shot multi-box detector (SSD) is implemented using an improved SqueezeNet for performance improvement. The object detector is followed by an online object tracker that fuses multiple information features, including the appearance feature extracted by CNNs, motion information, and shape information.
Both the detector and tracker can well balance accuracy and processing time. The proposed system shows acceptable performance, especially the detector demonstrates the best performance among real-time models on the KITTI test benchmark.
딥러닝 기반 탐지, 추적 기술이 많이 발전 했지만 실시간성이 부족하다. With the advancements in computer vision technology, especially the deep neural network used for object detection and tracking, it now occupies a prominent position in autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance system (ADAS). Hence, it is more crucial than ever to detect and track objects in dynamic and complex real-world scenarios robustly and in real-time. However, the majority of the pre-existing methods are still limited due to slow processing time.
탐지기에서, CNN기반 탐지기는 2가지로 분류 된다. two-stage 와 one-stage 전자는 높은 정확도를 보이지만 속도가 느리다. 후자는 multi-feature map기법을 적용하여 상대적으로 속도가 빠르다. 하지만 아직 실생활에 적용하기에는 느리다. Real-time detection and tracking are facing many new challenges, especially with the introduction of convolutional neural network (CNN)-based methods. CNN-based methods have impressive accuracy. However, it is very time-consuming. Fortunately, with the development of optimization of CNN, real-time processing is now possible. A CNN-based detector can be divided into two categories: two-stage and one-stage. RCNN family (RCNN [1], Fast RCNN [2], and Faster RCNN [3]) is a two-stage algorithm that outperforms numerous other detection algorithms in terms of accuracy. However, these methods need more computational cost that leads to the consumption of much more processing time. From the one-stage detector perspective, single shot multi-box detector (SSD) [4] is proposed by considering the multi-feature map, which has a faster processing time than any other methods of the RCNN family. However, even though the one-stage methods can achieve a faster processing time, they still cannot satisfy the requirement of autonomous driving that needs real-time processing in an embedded system such as ADAS.
추적기에서, tracking-by-detection기법이 최근 많이 사용된다. 이 방식은 탐지기의 성능에 크게 좌우 된다. 기존 연구들은 다음과 같다. On the other hand, in order to cope with sources of uncertainty problem for tracking, tracking-by-detection methods have become increasingly popular with the recent progress in object detection. These methods involve a continuous application of a detector in individual frames and associating detections across frames, which means that the tracking performance is heavily affected by the detection results.
[5] F. Yu, W. Li, Q. Li, Y. Liu, X. Shi, and J. Yan, “POI: multiple object tracking with high performance detection and appearance feature,” Proc. the European Conference on Computer Vision, Oct. 2016, pp:36-42.
[7] L. Chen, H. Ai, C. Shang, Z. Zhuang, and B. Bai, “Online multi-object tracking with convolutional neural networks,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Sep. 2017, pp:645-649.
본 논문의 주 역할은 다음과 같다. This paper makes the following contributions:
(1) We design a system that incorporates deep learning-based object detection and tracking. The system employs a detector to get detection results, and then multiple object tracker is used for associating the detection results with the tracklets.
(2) CNN is used to improve the accuracy of both the detector and the tracker.
(3) Even though the deep neural network is utilized to enhance the accuracy, both detector and tracker can balance processing time and accuracy, even on an embedded board for the autonomous driving system.
논문의 구성은 아래와 같다.The remainder of this paper is organized into three sections.
제안 방식은 탐지기와 추적기로 구성되어 있다. With the aim of locating the object precisely and identifying the object accurately, the whole system is made up of two parts: object detector and object tracker. Figure 1 illustrates the main components of the system.
탐지기는 기본은 SSD를 사용하였다. 본 논문에서는 SSD의 속도 향상을 초점을 맞추었다. The detector proposed in this paper is based on SSD. We mainly focus on optimizing the backbone network of SSD because the original VGGNet needs more computational cost.
제안 방식의 네트워크는 아래와 같다. 제안방식은 SquezeeNet와 비슷하지만 성능향상을 위해 몇가지를 수정 하였다. The proposed backbone network architecture is shown in figure 2. It can be seen that the proposed backbone network is very similar to the SquezeeNet, where some changes are made to improve the performance.
The changes are introduced as follows.
Batch normalization (BN) is used to avoid gradient explosion problem. It can be seen in figure 3(a), where the blue arrow is the expected path. Specifically, this figure means that if there is no BN before or after convolution layers, it leads to a gradient explosion even though the weight changes a little. While, the model can be converged following an expected path with BN, as shown in figure 3(b). To this point, the network can converge very fast.
To further improve the performance of the original SqueezeNet, a parameter sharing technique is utilized in the fire module to solve the vanishing gradient problem in the training stage, as shown in figure 4. The original fire model in the left should include 1×1 and 3×3 Conv. However, the improved model showed in the right removes 1×1 Conv and share the previous 1×1 Conv with 3×3 Conv to solve the vanishing gradient problem and save processing time.
Pre-activation allows batch normalization to maximize the normalization effect and improve the processing time by reducing memory access.
To increase representation capability and solve the spatial information loss problem, small-sized (2×2) maxpooling filter is used. When the 2×2 maxpooling filter is used, the small object information can be maintained. In addition, many experiments are done to fix the postion of maxpooling filters to enhance the accuracy.
변경후 비교는 아래와 같다. The comparison is conducted after these changes are made, which is shown in Table 1. It can be seen that the improved SqueezeNet has the smallest size to satisfy the requirement of an autonomous driving embedded system like ADAS. The improved model is evaluated in section 3.
CNN기반 appearance model + Motion prediction + shape information 을 기반으로 유사도 행렬(affinity matrix)을 생성한다. DA는 이 유사도 행렬을 기반으로 이루어 진다. DA후 correlation filter[10]를 통해 계산된 신뢰값을 기반으로 bject appearance model을 업데이트 한다. In order to identify each on-road object, an online multiple object tracking algorithm is proposed. It uses CNN for appearance model expression and then combines with motion prediction and shape information to construct an affinity matrix. Data association is implemented based on the affinity matrix. After data association, each object appearance model is updated based on the confidence score calculated by a correlation filter[10].
https://elecs.tistory.com/167, https://elecs.tistory.com/169
추적기의 전체 동작 과정은 아래 그림과 같다. The overview of the proposed tracker is shown in figure 5.
The steps are as follows:
firstly, the detected bounding boxes are obtained by the detector at the current frame t;
secondly, each appearance feature of the detected result is extracted by CNN model and combined with motion and shape information.
Thirdly, the data association is executed to get the final tracking result.
Multi-information ensemble: To construct an affinity matrix for data association, we calculate an affinity between tracklets and detections that includes appearance, shape, and motion information.
Details of the affinity calculation are as follows:
where A_mot, A_shape ,and A_appear indicate motion, shape, and appearance affinity between detection and tracklet, respectively.
For the appearance information,
The shape information is
The motion information is
Pairwise association is performed while assigning detections to existing tracklets. When m tracklets and n detections are given, we calculate a score matrix S_{m×n} defined as:
where A(trk_i, det_j ) is calculated by Eq. (4).
We determine the association result between tracklets and detections using Hungarian algorithm.
Youtube, http://www.hungarianalgorithm.com/hungarianalgorithm.php
기존 CNN기반 추적기는 백프로파게이션 방법을 이용하여 appearance model을 업데이트 한다. Best CNN model for multiple object tracking requires a well-discriminating internal category. To this end, the majority of CNN-based trackers update appearance model by backpropagation.
기존 방법은 느리기 때문에 제안 방식에서는 correlation filter로 계산된 confidence score를 이용하여 tracklets appearance models을 업데이트 한다. However, it is very time-consuming. In order to improve the robustness of the tracker and considering processing time, we update tracklets appearance models based on the confidence score which is calculated by the correlation filter
The confidence score δ can be calculated as
is the element-wise product operator, and The appearance model is updated as follows:
If the confidence score is higher than that threshold, the appearance model is updated based on the association result. Otherwise, we assume it is occluded, and the appearance model is not updated to keep its robustness. In addition, because it works in frequency domain it can save processing time compared with backpropagation.