Project the points in 3D
space into cylindrical surface
LiDAR센서의 특징에 따라 설정값이 달라 진다.
: Horizontal resolutionv_res
: vertical resolution# KTTI dataset = Velodyne HDL 64E
## A vertical field of view of 26.9 degrees, at a resolution of 0.4 degree intervals. The vertical field of view is broken up into +2 degrees above the sensor, and -24.9 degrees below the sensor.
## A horizontal field of view of 360 degrees, at a resolution of 0.08 - 0.35 (depending on the rotation rate)
## Rotation rate can be selected to be betwen 5-20Hz.
# Resolution and Field of View of LIDAR sensor
h_res = 0.35 # horizontal resolution, assuming rate of 20Hz is used
v_res = 0.4 # vertical res
v_fov = (-24.9, 2.0) # Field of view (-ve, +ve) along vertical axis
v_fov_total = -v_fov[0] + v_fov[1]
- Creating 360 degree Panoramic Views코드 및 설명(matplotlib) - Creating 360 degree Panoramic Views코드 및 설명(numpy) |
SEED = 202
import math
import random
import numpy as np
import cv2
from lidar import *
## cylindrial projection
SURROUND_U_STEP = 1. #resolution
SURROUND_U_MIN, SURROUND_U_MAX = np.array([0, 360])/SURROUND_U_STEP # horizontal of cylindrial projection
SURROUND_V_MIN, SURROUND_V_MAX = np.array([-90, 90])/SURROUND_V_STEP # vertical of cylindrial projection
def lidar_to_surround(lidar):
def normalise_to_255(a):
return (((a - min(a)) / float(max(a) - min(a))) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
x = lidar['x']
y = lidar['y']
z = lidar['z']
r = lidar['intensity']
d = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) # map distance relative to origin
u,v = lidar_to_surround_coords(x,y,z,d)
width = int(SURROUND_U_MAX - SURROUND_U_MIN + 1)
height = int(SURROUND_V_MAX - SURROUND_V_MIN + 1)
surround = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.float32)
surround_img = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
surround[v, u, 0] = d
surround[v, u, 1] = z
surround[v, u, 2] = r
surround_img[v, u, 0] = normalise_to_255(np.clip(d, 0, 30))
surround_img[v, u, 1] = normalise_to_255(np.clip(z+1.8, 0, 100))
surround_img[v, u, 2] = normalise_to_255(np.clip(r, 0, 30))
return surround, surround_img
def lidar_to_surround_coords(x, y, z, d ):
u = np.arctan2(x, y)/np.pi*180 /SURROUND_U_STEP
v = - np.arctan2(z, d)/np.pi*180 /SURROUND_V_STEP
u = (u +90)%360 ##<todo> car will be spit into 2 at boundary ...
u = np.rint(u)
v = np.rint(v)
u = (u - SURROUND_U_MIN).astype(np.uint8)
v = (v - SURROUND_V_MIN).astype(np.uint8)
return u,v
lidar = np.load("/root/share/project/didi/data/didi/didi-2/Data/1/15/lidar/1530509304325762000.npy")
surround, surround_img = lidar_to_surround(lidar)
from IPython.display import Image
Velodyne -> Panoramic Image: Convert Velodyne data(model : HDL-64E) to panoramic image.