2. Fine tuning / Transfer learning
2.1 net.prototxt 수정
- FCN에서 분류 목적 (1,000개 분류 -> 20개 분류)따라 수정
- Fine Truning할 Layer(FCN)의 이름 변경 : fc8 -> fc8_flickr
2.2 solver.prototxt 수정
, 새로 추가된 레이어는 빠르게 학습하게 하기 위해
- 기존 모델은 새 데이터에 대해 천천히 반응(바뀌고)하게 하기 위해 : 학습(
)률 수치(0.001
) 줄이기.fc8_flickr
을 제외한 다른 Layer의 Finetuning을 방지 하기 위해lr_mult
으로 설정 할수 있다.
- 단, 새로 추가된 레이어의
는 boost(10
)하기- lr_mult: 0/학습이 안됨
- lr_mult: 0.1/학습거의조금
- lr_mult: 10/학습필요하기에 많이 됨.
- (그 layer의 최종 learning rate는 base_lr * lr_mult와 관련됨)
- we set
in the solver to a lower value than if we were training from scratch,- since we’re virtually far along in training and therefore want the learning rate to go down faster
버젼 업되면서
로 위치 바뀜
2.3 Pre Trained model 다운로드
2.4 weights 옵션으로 Train하기
caffe train \
-solver finetuning/solver.prototxt \
-weights reference_caffenet.caffemodel
- weights 옵션 : Snapshot으로 남겨둔 caffemodel파일을 이용 \
- layer의 name이 동일하면 그 weight를 가져와서 초기값으로 사용
- layer의 name이 없다면, network에 정의된 방식으로 초기값으로 사용
Layer 이름을 비교해서 이름이 같은 Layer는 caffemodel파일에서 미리 training된 weight를 가져오고 새로운 layer는 새로 initialization을 해서 학습함.
4. Visualization
def visualize_kernels(net, layer, zoom = 5):
Visualize kernels in the given convolutional layer.
:param net: caffe network
:type net: caffe.Net
:param layer: layer name
:type layer: string
:param zoom: the number of pixels (in width and height) per kernel weight
:type zoom: int
:return: image visualizing the kernels in a grid
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
num_kernels = net.params[layer][0].data.shape[0]
num_channels = net.params[layer][0].data.shape[1]
kernel_height = net.params[layer][0].data.shape[2]
kernel_width = net.params[layer][0].data.shape[3]
image = numpy.zeros((num_kernels*zoom*kernel_height, num_channels*zoom*kernel_width))
for k in range(num_kernels):
for c in range(num_channels):
kernel = net.params[layer][0].data[k, c, :, :]
kernel = cv2.resize(kernel, (zoom*kernel_height, zoom*kernel_width), kernel, 0, 0, cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
kernel = (kernel - numpy.min(kernel))/(numpy.max(kernel) - numpy.min(kernel))
image[k*zoom*kernel_height:(k + 1)*zoom*kernel_height, c*zoom*kernel_width:(c + 1)*zoom*kernel_width] = kernel
return image
중간 처리 과정 시각화 하기 : Classification: Instant Recognition with Caffe, 마지막 부분 참고
5. Monitoring
def count_errors(scores, labels):
Utility method to count the errors given the ouput of the
"score" layer and the labels.
:param score: output of score layer
:type score: numpy.ndarray
:param labels: labels
:type labels: numpy.ndarray
:return: count of errors
:rtype: int
return numpy.sum(numpy.argmax(scores, axis = 1) != labels)
solver = caffe.SGDSolver(prototxt_solver)
callbacks = []
# Callback to report loss in console. Also automatically plots the loss
# and writes it to the given file. In order to silence the console,
# use plot_loss instead of report_loss.
report_loss = tools.solvers.PlotLossCallback(100, '/loss.png') # How often to report the loss and where to plot it
'callback': tools.solvers.PlotLossCallback.report_loss,
'object': report_loss,
'interval': 1,
# Callback to report error in console.
# Needs to know the training set size and testing set size and
# is provided with a function count_errors to count (or calculate) the errors
# given the labels and the network output
report_error = tools.solvers.PlotErrorCallback(count_errors, training_set_size, testing_set_size,
'', # may be used for saving early stopping models, uninteresting here ...
'error.png') # where to plot the error
'callback': tools.solvers.PlotErrorCallback.report_error,
'object': report_error,
'interval': 500,
# Callback for saving regular snapshots using the snapshot_prefix in the
# solver prototxt file.
'callback': tools.solvers.SnapshotCallback.write_snapshot,
'object': tools.solvers.SnapshotCallback(),
'interval': 500,
monitoring_solver = tools.solvers.MonitoringSolver(solver)
여러 snippets
- Get Layer Names
- Copy Weights
- Create a Snapshot
- Get Batch Size
- Get the Loss
- Compute Gradient Magnitude
- Silencing Caffe Logging