
1. List

Lidar Point clound processing for Autonomous Driving

  • Clustering/Segmentation (road/ground extraction, plane extraction)
  • Registration and Localization
  • Feature Extraction
  • Object detection and Tracking
  • Classification/Supervised Learning
  • Maps / Grids / HD Maps / Occupancy grids/ Prior Maps
  • End-To-End Learning
  • Lidar Datasets and Simulators

Deep Clustering: methods and implements: 추천, 코드 포함

2. Paper

3. Article (Post, blog, etc.)

clustering valuation(군집 모델 평가하기)

3. Tutorial (Series, )

4. Youtube

6. Material (Pdf, ppt)

7. Implementation (Project)

  • Fast segmentation of 3D point clouds: A paradigm on LiDAR data for autonomous vehicle applications, 2017, 깃허브 : ROS, Cpp
  • Deep Clustering for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features : Caron(facebook), 2018 , [논문], [깃허브]

8. Research Group / Conference

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