Track-to-track Fusion for Multi-target Tracking Using Asynchronous and Delayed Data

ALEXANDER BERG ANDREAS KÄLL, Master’s thesis, Sweden 2017

1.1 Thesis Objective

The aim of the thesis can be summarized with the following questions:

  • What existing real-time fusion strategies can be utilised when fusing data from multiple vehicles in an urban environment?
  • How can the effect of a varying time delay in the communication channel be minimized in terms of accuracy?
  • How can tracks of the same object from multiple vehicles be associated with each other with high certainty?
  • How can the algorithm detect if an object has left the field of view of all the vehicles and decide when to terminate the tracking of that object?
  • Which algorithms can be utilized when performing fusion of already filtered data?
  • Which motion models are most suitable for modeling a vehicle for tracking purposes?

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