논문명 Sensor Modality Fusion with CNNs for UGV Autonomous Driving in Indoor Environments
저자(소속) Naman Patel(NYU)
학회/년도 2017, 논문
키워드 조향 각도 예측
데이터셋(센서)/모델 own dataset(LiDAR + Camera)


  • We present a novel end-to-end learning framework by fusing raw pixels from cameras and depth measurements from a LiDAR.

  • A deep neural network architecture is introduced to effectively perform modality fusion and reliably predict steering commands even in the presence of sensor failures.


  • Our work focuses on the problem of navigating of an autonomous UGV using vision and depth measurements in an indoor environment.

  • We propose a deep learning architecture for the sensor fusion problem that consists of two convolutional neural networks (CNNs), each consisting of a different input modality, which are fused with a gating mechanism.

각센서를 위해 다른 CNN네트워크가 존재 하며 추후 gating mechanism을 이용하여 Fuse 됨

  • Vision과 depth를 기반으로 한 자율 주행 로봇에 대한 연구가 많이 이루어 지고 있다. Various aspects of robot autonomy in both indoor and outdoor environments using vision and depth based sensor processing have been extensively studied in the literature[1]–[6].

  • 강화 학습 역시 센서 정보를 사용하여 장애물 회피에 적용되고 있다. Reinforcement learning techniques have also been utilized to teach the mobile robot to avoid obstacles and navigate through the corridor using sensors such as a laser range finder [7].

  • [8]에서는 An online navigation 프레임워크를 제안 하였다. An online navigation framework relying on object recognition was presented in [8].

  • CNN기반 자율 주행 차량 연구들 CNNs have been successfully used for learning driving decision rules for autonomous navigation [9] and for end-to-end navigation of a car using a single front facing camera [10] (alternately,debugging tools were developed for these systems to understandthe visual cues the network used to produce a steeringcommand, e.g. [11]).

  • NN기반 indoor navigation 연구들 Neural network based indoor navigation has also been studied in multiple works including [12]–[16].

  • 센서퓨전 기반 연구[17]들 In the deep learning literature, fusion of different modalities has been studied for various applications in recent year ssuch as in [17] for object detection using images and depth maps.

[17] S. Gupta, R. Girshick, P. Arbelaez, and J. Malik, “Learning rich ´features from rgb-d images for object detection and segmentation,” in European Conference on Computer Vision, Sept. 2014, pp. 345–360
  • RNN기반 images & depth map의 연관관계 학습을 통한 semantic segmentation Deep learning for a recurrent neural network [18] was applied to implicitly learn the dependencies between RGB images and depth map to perform semantic segmentation.
[18] C. Hazirbas, L. Ma, C. Domokos, and D. Cremers, “Fusenet: Incorporating depth into semantic segmentation via fusion-based cnn architecture,” in Proc. ACCV, vol. 2, Nov. 2016, pp. 213–228.
  • [19]에서는 RGB와 라이다 정보를 활용하여 3D 물체 탐지를 한다. In [19], RGB image and its corresponding 3D point cloud are used as inputs for 3D object detection.
[19] S. Song and J. Xiao, “Deep sliding shapes for amodal 3D object detection in RGB-D images,” in 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2016, pp. 808–816.
  • 이미지 + optical flow + LiDAR가 함꺼번에 합쳐져서 DNN에 입력으로 이용 RGB image,optical flow, and LiDAR range images are combined to forma six channel input to a deep neural network [20] for object detection.
    • 동일 모델을 이용하여 joint representation학습에도 활용 The same network can also be used for different modalities to learn a joint representation [21].
[20] M. Giering, V. Venugopalan, and K. Reddy, “Multi-modal sensor registration for vehicle perception via deep neural networks,” in High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2015 IEEE,Sept 2015, pp. 1–6.
[21] L. Castrejon, Y. Aytar, C. Vondrick, H. Pirsiavash, and A. Torralba,“Learning aligned cross-modal representations from weakly aligned data,” in 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2016, pp. 2940–2949.
  • 이미지 + depth maps (HHA)를 퓨젼후 SVM을 이용하여 학습 하는 연구 RGB images and depth maps (HHA images) were fused in [22] for an indoor scene recognition application using a multi-modal learning framework and the learned features were classified using a support vector machine.
[22] H. Zhu, J.-B. Weibel, and S. Lu, “Discriminative multi-modal feature fusion for rgbd indoor scene recognition,” in 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2016, pp.
  • 본 논문의 제안에서는 새로운 gating mechanism을 사용하여 성능 향상을 보임 Specifically, we introduce a new gating mechanism based architecture that enables modality fusion for robust end-to-end learning of autonomous corridor driving and improved training techniques that enable resiliency to sensor failure.


  • 사람의 원격 조정 값을 학습시 사용한다. The proposed deep learning based system is trained using data recorded under human teleoperation of the UGV.

각 센서는 단점이 있다. As illustratedin Figure 3, each sensor separately can have limitations in environment perception. There are also other complementary sensory performance characteristics of camera and LiDAR,e.g., sensitivity of a camera to lighting conditions, limitations of a LiDAR in detecting small objects.


4.1 System Framework

  • The LiDAR measurements are encoded as a 16-bit grayscale depth range image.
  • The depth range image and RGB image from the camera are used to generate a steering command
    • that is used by the onboard autopilot to send appropriate signals to the motor controllers of the ground vehicle.

4.2 Network Architectures

The architectures of NetEmb, NetConEmb, and NetGatedare described in Tables I, II, and III, respectively.

A. NetEmb

TABLE I: NetEmb: 
- Deep learning based modality fusion architecture using embeddings. 
- The left side of the table is for processing of the RGB image from the camera and 
- the right side of the table is for processing of the depth range image from the LiDAR. 
- The feature vectors (of length 512) constructed from camera and LiDAR are concatenated at layer 24.
  • In NetEmbfeature maps from RGB image and LiDAR depth range image are extracted through a series of convolutional layers.
  • Next, the features extracted from the convolutional layers in both the parallel networks are embedded into a feature vector using a fully connected network.

B. NetConEmb

TABLE II: NetConEmb: 
- Fusion architecture where the convolutional feature maps are directly passed through a fully connected network instead of first converting them into feature embeddings as done in NetEmb. 
- The first 20 layers are identical to NetEmb.
  • In NetConEmb, the convolutional feature maps are passed into a fully connected network.

C. NetGatedare

TABLE III: NetGated: 
- Fusion architecture with gating mechanism based on computing scalar weights from the feature embeddings andthen constructing a combination of the feature embeddings based on the scalar weights. 
- The first 20 layers are identical to NetEmb.
  • In NetGated, the gating network generates two weights, used to perform a weighted sum of the two embeddings obtained from the camera and lidar-range image.
  • This weighted sum is then passed through two fully connectednetworks to obtain the steering command.

  • Each of the considered network architectures is an end-to-end deeplearning system that takes an RGB image and a LiDAR depth range image as input and fuses the modalities using a deepneural network to predict the appropriate steering command of the UGV for autonomous navigation.

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