논문명 | VANETs Meet Autonomous Vehicles: A Multimodal 3D Environment Learning Approach |
저자(소속) | Yassine Maalej (University of Idaho) |
학회/년도 | arXiv 2017, 논문 |
키워드 | Yassine2017, |
데이터셋(센서)/모델 | |
관련연구 | |
참고 | |
코드 |
- we design a multimodal framework for object detection, recognition and mapping based on the fusion of
- stereo camera frames
- point cloud Velodyne Lidar scans,
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Basic Safety Messages(BMS) exchanged using DSRC
We merge the key features of rich texture descriptions of objects
- from 2D images,
- depth
- distance between objects provided by 3D point cloud
- awareness of hidden vehicles from BSMs’ 3D information
VANET & 자율주행 연구는 separate worlds, and barely affected one another despite the obvious relationships.
기존 연구 Vote3Deep is developed in [5] for fast point cloud object detection from 3D CNN in order to keep the key power of Lidar as distance and objects 3D shapes and depth.
V2V type of message [11], [15]which
offers various types of safety applications operating on a control channel of its 7 available channels operating over a dedicated 75 MHz spectrum band around 5.9 GHz.
퓨젼이 논문 목적
The goalof this work is to merge the key features of
- Lidar in giving accurate distances,
- camera with object textural details
V2V beacons for the awareness of both hidden out-of-sight vehicles or vehicles not observed by the two other means due to bad conditions (e.g., rainy or foggy weather).
Exploring the physical neighborhood correlation within these three datasets and their natural correspondences inthe 3D physical space, we cast the merging problem of these three sets of data as a semi-supervised manifold alignment.
Given some clear correspondences between data points from each pair of data sets, we align (i.e., pair) the rest of the points between the camera-lidar and camera-V2V data sets.
The problem is casted as an eigenvalue problem over a graph based compounded Laplacian matrix.
Once the mapping of known points is done, the other points from each data sets can be easily added in aligned 3D environment, thus significantly enriching the vehicle knowledge of its surroundings.
- 자율 주행을 위해서는 세그멘테이션이 필수 적이다.
semantic segmentation that labels each pixel in an image withthe
Techniques based on
- Markov RandomFields (MRF),
- Conditional Random Field (CRF)
- many graphical models are presented in [9], [14], [16] to guarantee the consistency of labeling of the pixels in the context of the overall image.
[9] Xuming He and Richard S. Zemel. Learning hybrid models for image annotation with partially labeled data. In D. Koller, D. Schuurmans, Y. Bengio, and L. Bottou, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, pages 625–632. Curran Associates, Inc., 2009.
[14] L. Ladicky, C. Russell, P. Kohli, and P. H. S. Torr. Associative ´hierarchical crfs for object class image segmentation. In 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 739–746, Sept 2009.
[16] Daniel Munoz, J Andrew Bagnell, and Martial Hebert. Stacked hierarchical labeling. In European Conference on Computer Vision, pages 57–70. Springer, 2010.
- In addition, the authors in [18], [12]and [7] developed various methods for
- presegmentation into superpixels
- segment candidates that are used to extract the categories and features characterizing individual segments and from combinations of neighboring segments.
[18] Joseph Tighe and Svetlana Lazebnik. Superparsing: Scalable nonparametric image parsing with superpixels. In Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Computer Vision: Part V, ECCV’10, pages 352–365, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010. Springer-Verlag.
[12] M. P. Kumar and D. Koller. Efficiently selecting regions for scene understanding. In 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 3217–3224, June 2010.
[7] S. Gould, R. Fulton, and D. Koller. Decomposing a scene into geometric and semantically consistent regions. In 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 1–8, Sept 2009
- Alternatively,the authors in [13] attempted to create 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes by achieving a long-range spatio-temporal regularization in semantic video segmentation, since both the camera and the scene are in motion.
- The developed idea is to integrate deep CNN and CRF to perform sharp pixel-level boundaries of objects.
- To this end, deep learning has shown the best performance in inferring objects from not previously trained or seen scenes.
[13] Abhijit Kundu, Vibhav Vineet, and Vladlen Koltun. Feature space optimization for semantic video segmentation. In CVPR, 2016.
Joseph et al. [17-YOLO] developed a general purpose object detection system characterized by a resolution classifier and the usage of a 2 fully connected networks that are built on top of a 24 convolutional layers network.
Additionally,a unified muti-scale deep CNN for real-time object detectionis developed in [4] with many sub-network detectors with multiple output layers for multiple object class recognition.
[4] Zhaowei Cai, Quanfu Fan, Rogerio Schmidt Feris, and Nuno Vascon- celos. A unified multi-scale deep convolutional neural network for fast object detection. CoRR, abs/1607.07155, 2016.
씬 플로우도 중요 하다. Most autonomous driving systems rely on Lidar, stereo cameras or radar sensors to achieve object detection, scene flow estimation of objects on roads and their key characteristics and influence on driving decisions and steering commands.
We present an augmented scene flow understanding and object mapping by considering not only Lidar and cameras, but also DSRC-basedV2V beacons exchanged between vehicles.
- YOLO의 Anchor Boxes개념을 도입 하였다.
Inspired by CNN developed in [17-YOLO], we propose to exploi tthe feature of Anchor Boxes
Anchor Boxes = that predict the coordinates of the bounding boxes around recognized objects to find their pixel adjacency directly from the fully connected layers
하지만, 정확도가 별로 좋지 않다. 왜냐 하면 물체가 겹쳐 있고 거리에 대한 정보를 활용하지 않기 떄문이다.
Unfortunately, this is not an accurate measure since objects might be overlapped and consequently the distance in pixels does not have any significance.
따라서 본 논문에서는 카메라와 LiDAR를 모두 사용하여 멀리 있는 물체도 고려 하였다.
For this purpose, we introduce that a paired labeled point between camera and Lidar is the farthest object in the Lidar scan and the farthest one being detected in the background of the image.
- 여러 물체들이 있기 때문에 모든 물체 탐지를 목적으로 하지는 않는다.
For simplification purposes, we are not considering every object from the Lidar since a tremendous number of unknown objects is detected as a set of neighbored point cloud.
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- In Fig.7, the dots represents the objects detected from Lidar with(x,y,z) triplet that represents relative position to the Velodyne Lidar Scanner.
인지된 대부분의 물체들은 Unknown이거나 중요한것들이 아니다.
Most of the recognized object classes (from Point Cloud data from 3D CNN or labeled data) are unknown or do not represent major importance in the alignment.
주의 할점은 이미지에 비해 포인트 클라우드는 많은 종류의 representing 를 포함하고 있다.
We note that the manifold representing the adjacent objects from Lidar contains larger number of objects comparing to the one from the Camera as in Fig. 6.
- For example, the vehicle next to the paired point is not detected in Fig. 5, but is detected in Fig.7 in addition to other objects that are behind of the camera and are captured by Lidar Scans.
Our problem formulation of manifolds alignment is to be applied to find correspondences between source data containing recognized objects from 2D camera and objects from 3D Lidar point cloud and from 3D V2V exchanged messages.
The manifold alignment performs the mapping between the dataset by first successfully learning the low dimensional embeddings by creating a weighted graph of the objects in the data by finding their correlation while preserving their neighborhood correlation to preserve the local structure of the data.
Let X , Y and Z three separate data sets consisting respectively of x,y and z recognized points from camera, Lidar and V2V BSMs.
We consider consider creating three different Laplacian graphs for each data sets X , Y and Z.
The neighborhood weights of a point t(i)as anode in every Laplacian graph for each data set by solving the following optimization problem:
We developed a framework for corresponding between objects recognized from camera data set to Lidar and to DSRC data sets that are characterized with the same underlying manifold.
The mapping allows us to be more informed about one object that was paired between one or two data sets in terms of texture details from picture, V2V communication details as well as the 3D shape and accurate distance to surroundings.
3D point cloud, 2D images and V2V 3D information are supplementary to each other to accomplish robust perception of roads.
Full scene reconstruction of objects from the three input modes is represented with focus on the increased added points from each technology.
In the future work we plan to study the effect of confusion in each input mode in the 3D scene reconstruction without pre-identified paired points.