SVM, 3D Perception Project

Train : 참고, This function prints and plots the confusion matrix. : compute_normal_histograms()

model.sav: 3.23MB


Classifies all the objects in a point cloud
:param: point_cloud, point cloud containing the filtered clusters
:param: white_cloud, points cloud containing only xyz data
:param: cluster_indices, locations of the clusters
:return: the classified objects positions and their labels

def classifyClusters(point_cloud, white_cloud, cluster_indices):
        point_cloud = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=True)
        white_cloud = XYZRGB_to_XYZ(point_cloud)
        cluster_indices = ec.Extract()
    detected_objects_labels = []
    detected_objects = []

    # Classify each detected cluster
    for index, pts_list in enumerate(cluster_indices):

        # Grab the points for the cluster from the extracted outliers (cloud_objects)
        pcl_cluster = point_cloud.extract(pts_list)

        # convert the cluster from pcl to ROS using helper function
        ros_cluster = pcl_to_ros(pcl_cluster)

​        # Extract the cluster colour feature histogram
        chists = compute_color_histograms(ros_cluster, using_hsv=True, nbins=44)
        normals = get_normals(ros_cluster)

        # Extract the cluster surface normals histogram
        nhists = compute_normal_histograms(normals, nbins=20)
        feature = np.concatenate((chists, nhists))

​        # Make the prediction, retrieve the label for the result
        # and add it to detected_objects_labels list
        # clf is the trained SVM classifier
            # Load model from disk
            model = pickle.load(open('model.sav', 'rb'))
            clf = model['classifier']
            encoder = LabelEncoder()
            encoder.classes_ = model['classes']
            scaler = model['scaler']
        prediction = clf.predict(scaler.transform(feature.reshape(1, -1)))
        label = encoder.inverse_transform(prediction)[0]

​        # store the label to be published into RViz
        label_pos = list(white_cloud[pts_list[0]])
        label_pos[2] += .4
        object_markers_pub.publish(make_label(label, label_pos, index))

​        # Add the detected object to the list of detected objects
        do = DetectedObject()
        do.label = label = ros_cluster

    return [detected_objects, detected_objects_labels]

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