2D 지도 생성
RoboND-Occupancy-Grid-Map: c++
3D 지도 생성
cloud_to_map: ROS, use of normal vectors to generate an occupancy grid
volumetric_mapping: ROS, 3D volumetric (occupancy) maps
voxel_grid: ROS
octomap_server: ROS, his will filter redundant points by binning them into a 3d occupancy grid, 홈페이지
- A. Hornung,. K.M. Wurm, M. Bennewitz, C. Stachniss, and W. Burgard, "OctoMap: An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees" in Autonomous Robots, 2013
코세라강좌 : 3.2.1. Occupancy Grid Map:6분 27초, 이론