TI mmwave RADAR

초기 설치 (윈도우 권장)

DCA1000EVM대신 IWR 1642에 직접 연결 후 작업, [Ref Tutorial]

  1. usb 드라이버 다운로드 : IWR1642: stand alone XDS110 drivers, http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/XDS_Emulation_Software_Package

  2. 롬(??) 업데이트 [UniFlash v4 User Guide for mmWave Devices]

    • 업데이터 툴 설치 : 다운로드
    • xwr16xx_mmw_demo.bin 다운로드 : sdk 설치시 자동 다운로드 (C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_01_00_04\packages\ti\demo\xwr16xx\mmw)
    • 점퍼 설정 : SOP2 연결 -> 재부팅
    • 툴 실행
    • 윈도우 장치 관리자 에서 포트 번호 확인 후 XDS110 Class Application/User UART를 설정에 입력
    • 점퍼 원복
  3. 확인 : mmWave Demo Visualizer, [메뉴얼 ]

Uniflash 설치

펌웨어(??) 설치 툴

  • linux : 'sudo apt-get install libusb-dev' -> sudo ./uniflash_sl.
  • windows :
  • Webapp : Uniflash
    <param name="command_port" value="/dev/ttyACM0"  />
    <param name="command_rate" value="115200"   />
    <param name="data_port" value="/dev/ttyACM1"  />
    <param name="data_rate" value="921600"   />

TI Resouce Explorer

사전 설치 : Matlab runtime_R2017a (9.2)

ROS 연계 (ubuntu)

[TI mmWave ROS Driver Setup Guide: pdf , 공식, 깃허브, 깃허브-개선버젼

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-pcl-ros ros-kinetic-pcl-msgs ros-kinetic-pcl-conversions ros-kinetic-perception-pcl
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/radar-lab/ti_mmwave_rospkg.git
git clone https://github.com/wjwwood/serial.git
cd ~/catkin_ws

sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM1

roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg 1642es2_short_range.launch

rostopic echo /ti_mmwave/radar_scan

에러 발생시 참고 : https://github.com/radar-lab/ti_mmwave_rospkg#troubleshooting

TI Radar CNN


mmWave software development kit (SDK)

Code Composer Studio(CCS)

Download the latest CCS : http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Download_CCS


  • SDK 메뉴얼 50page
  • mmWaveLib is a collection of algorithms that provide basic functionality needed for FMCW radar-cube processing.
  • This component is available for xWR16xx only and contains optimized library routines for C674 DSP architecture only.





~/serialcheck$ gcc -o serialcheck serialcheck.c CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
~/serialcheck$ gcc -o serialstats serialstats.c CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-

serialstats -d /dev/ttySX -i 1 &

Commnad CLI 접속

  • 센서 : (C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_02_01_00_04\packages\ti\demo\xwr16xx\mmw)로 플래싱
  • 실행 : roslaunch rviz_1642_2d.launch #실행 안해도 자동으로 값 출력
  • 확인 : moserial -> data port 지정 , echo uncheck


cat /dev/ttyS1
echo "hi" > /dev/ttyS1

Configuration (.cfg) File Format : SDK 메뉴얼 14page

mmWave sensing Estimation툴을 이용하여 설정값 변경이 더편함
샘플 cfg 다운 받아 사용 권장

RawData 파싱

mmw Demo Data Structure v0.1: Out-of-box Demo 플래슁

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import print_function
#import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
import os
import sys
import pcl_helper

import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2

import pcl
import pcl_msg

import struct
import sys
import time
import numpy as np

import math

def rect(r, theta):
    """theta in degrees

    returns tuple; (float, float); (x,y)
    x = r * math.cos(theta) #math.cos(math.radians(theta))
    y = r * math.sin(theta) #math.sin(math.radians(theta))
    return x,y

def polar(x, y):
    """returns r, theta(degrees)
    r = (x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** .5
    if y == 0:
        theta = 180 if x < 0 else 0
    elif x == 0:
        theta = 90 if y > 0 else 270
        theta = math.degrees(math.atan(float(y) / x))
    return r, theta

def validateChecksum(header):
    #h = typecast(uint8(header),'uint16');
    header = np.uint8(header)
    h = np.array(header, dtype=np.uint16)
    #a = uint32(sum(h));
    a = sum(h)
    a = np.uint32(a)
    #b = uint16(sum(typecast(a,'uint16')));
    b = np.array(a, dtype=np.uint16)
    b = sum(b)
    b = np.uint16(b)
    #CS = uint16(bitcmp(b));
    CS = ~b
    CS = np.uint16(CS)
    return CS

def parsePoint(data, tlvLength):    # Type : x06
    point_data = np.zeros([tlvLength/struct.calcsize('4f'),3],dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(tlvLength/struct.calcsize('4f')):
        if(struct.calcsize('4f') == len(data[16*i:16*i+16])):
            parse_range, parse_angle, parse_doppler, parse_snr = struct.unpack('4f', data[16*i:16*i+16])  #struct.unpack('3H3h', data[4+12*i:4+12*i+12]) # heder 4, payload 12
            #print("Point : {}, {}".format(parse_range, parse_angle))
            x,y = rect(parse_range, parse_angle)
            datas = np.array([x,y,0])
            #np.append(point_data, datas)
            #point_data = np.vstack((point_data,datas))
            # print("** parsePoint Error [{}]**".format(len(data[16*i:16*i+16])))

    #pc = pcl.PointCloud(point_data)
    #pcl_xyzrgb = pcl_helper.XYZ_to_XYZRGB(pc, [255,255,255])  
    #out_ros_msg = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(pcl_xyzrgb)

def parseTargetIndex(data, tlvLength):    # Type : x08   
    index_data = np.zeros([tlvLength/struct.calcsize('B'),3],dtype=np.float32)  # 'I16f' for little endian , '>I16f' for big endian 
    for i in range(tlvLength/struct.calcsize('B')):
        if(struct.calcsize('B') == len(data[1*i:1*i+1])):
            targetID  = struct.unpack('B', data[1*i:1*i+1])  #76, 144, 212, 280
            print("TargetID : {}".format(targetID))
            datas = np.array([targetID,0,0])
            #np.append(taget_data, datas)
            #point_data = np.vstack((taget_data,datas))
            print("** parseTargetIndex Error [{}]**".format(len(data[1*i:1*i+1])))

def parseTargetList(data, tlvLength):    # Type : x07
    target_data = np.zeros([tlvLength/struct.calcsize('I16f'),3],dtype=np.float32)  # 'I16f' for little endian , '>I16f' for big endian 
    for i in range(tlvLength/struct.calcsize('I16f')):
        if(struct.calcsize('I16f') == len(data[68*i:68*i+68])):
            tid, posX, posY, velX, velY, accX, accY, EC1, EC2,EC3,EC4,EC5,EC6,EC7,EC8,EC9, g  = struct.unpack('I16f', data[68*i:68*i+68])  #76, 144, 212, 280
            print("Detect[{}] : {}, {}".format(tid, posX, posY))
            datas = np.array([posX,posY,0])
            #np.append(taget_data, datas)
            #point_data = np.vstack((taget_data,datas))
            print("** parseTargetList Error [{}]**".format(len(data[68*i:68*i+68])))

    #pc = pcl.PointCloud(target_data)
    #pcl_xyzrgb = pcl_helper.XYZ_to_XYZRGB(pc, [255,255,255])  
    #out_ros_msg = pcl_helper.pcl_to_ros(pcl_xyzrgb)

def tlvHeader(data):
    while data:       
        headerLength = 52
            magic, version, platform, cpuCycles, length, frameNum, subframeNumber, chirpMargin, frameMargin, uartSentTime, trackProcessTime, numTLVs, checksum = struct.unpack('Q10I2H', data[:headerLength])        
            #print("numTLVs : ", numTLVs)
            #print("length : ", length-52) #exclude header length 52

        header = struct.unpack('52c', data[:headerLength])
        cs = validateChecksum(header)
        print (" checksum : {} == {}".format(cs, checksum))

        pendingBytes = length - headerLength
        data = data[headerLength:]

        for i in range(numTLVs):
            if (len(data) != 0): 
                tlvType, tlvLength = tlvHeaderDecode(data[:8])                               
                data = data[8:]  # after TLV header 
                if (tlvType == 6):
                    parsePoint(data, tlvLength-8)
                elif (tlvType == 7):
                    parseTargetList(data, tlvLength-8)               
                elif (tlvType == 8): 
                    parseTargetIndex(data, tlvLength-8) 
                    print("- Unidentified tlv type :", hex(tlvType))  # this line print 0x02, 0x04
                data = data[tlvLength:]
                pendingBytes -= (8+tlvLength)
        data = data[pendingBytes:]
        yield length, frameNum

def tlvHeaderDecode(data):    
    if(struct.calcsize('2I') == len(data)):
        tlvType, tlvLength = struct.unpack('2I', data)
        return tlvType, tlvLength
        return 0,0

if __name__ == "__main__":

    #rospy.init_node('radar', anonymous=True)
    #pub_point = rospy.Publisher("/radar_point", PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
    #pub_track = rospy.Publisher("/radar_track", PointCloud2, queue_size=1)

    if sys.byteorder == "little":
        print("Little-endian platform.")
        print("Big-endian platform.")

    fileName = "/dev/ttyACM1"
    rawDataFile = open(fileName, "rb")
    print("Read Data From : ", fileName)    
        rawData = rawDataFile.read()
        magic = b'\x02\x01\x04\x03\x06\x05\x08\x07'
        offset = rawData.find(magic)
        rawData = rawData[offset:]
        for length, frameNum in tlvHeader(rawData):

People tracking Demo

  • C:\ti\mmwave_industrial_toolbox_3_1_1\labs\lab0011-pplcount\lab0011_pplcount_quickstart\
[IWR1642] v3.1.1
dfeDataOutputMode 1
channelCfg 15 3 0
adcCfg 2 1
adcbufCfg 0 1 1 1
profileCfg 0 77 30 7 62 0 0 60 1 128 2500 0 0 30
chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
frameCfg 0 1 128 0 50 1 0
lowPower 0 1
guiMonitor 1 1 0 0
cfarCfg 6 4 4 4 4 16 16 4 4 50 62 0
doaCfg 600 1875 30 1
SceneryParam -6 6 0.05 6
GatingParam 4 3 2 0
StateParam 10 5 10 100 5
AllocationParam 450 0.01 25 1 2
VariationParam 0.289 0.289 1.0
PointCloudEn 1
trackingCfg 1 2 250 20 200 50 90

left wall: -6
R wall: 6
front wall: 6
back wall: 0
[IWR6843] v3.1.1
dfeDataOutputMode 1
channelCfg 15 5 0
adcCfg 2 1
adcbufCfg 0 1 1 1
profileCfg 0 60.6 30 10 62 0 0 53 1 128 2500 0 0 30
chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
frameCfg 0 1 128 0 50 1 0
lowPower 0 1
guiMonitor 1 1 0 0
cfarCfg 6 4 4 4 4 16 16 4 4 50 62 0
doaCfg 600 1875 30 1 1 0
SceneryParam -6 6 0.5 6
GatingParam 4 3 2 0
StateParam 10 5 100 100 5
AllocationParam 250 250 0.25 10 1 2
AccelerationParam 1 1 1
trackingCfg 1 2 250 20 52 82 50 90

left wall: -6
R wall: 6
front wall: 6
back wall: 0
var getXYZ_type2 = function (vec, vecIdx, Params, numDetecObj, sizeObj) 
    var x_coord = [];
    var y_coord = [];
    var z_coord = [];
    var doppler = [];
    var i, startIdx;
    var subFrameNum = Params.currentSubFrameNumber;

    /* list of detected objs
    for platform = 68xx
    typedef struct DPIF_PointCloudCartesian_t
        x - coordinate in meters
        float  x;
        y - coordinate in meters
        float  y;
        z - coordinate in meters
        float  z;        
        Doppler in m/s 
        float    doppler;
    for (i = 0; i < numDetecObj; i++)  
        /*start index in bytevec for this detected obj*/
        startIdx = vecIdx + i*sizeObj;

        x_coord[i] = getFloat(vec[startIdx + 0],  vec[startIdx + 1],  vec[startIdx + 2],  vec[startIdx + 3]);
        y_coord[i] = getFloat(vec[startIdx + 4],  vec[startIdx + 5],  vec[startIdx + 6],  vec[startIdx + 7]);
        z_coord[i] = getFloat(vec[startIdx + 8],  vec[startIdx + 9],  vec[startIdx + 10], vec[startIdx + 11]);
        doppler[i] = getFloat(vec[startIdx + 12], vec[startIdx + 13], vec[startIdx + 14], vec[startIdx + 15]);

    var range;
    range = math.sqrt(math.add(math.dotMultiply(z_coord, z_coord), math.add(math.dotMultiply(x_coord, x_coord), math.dotMultiply(y_coord, y_coord))));

    var rangeIdx = math.map(range, function (value) {
        return Math.round(value / Params.dataPath[subFrameNum].rangeIdxToMeters);

    var dopplerIdx = math.map(doppler, function (value) {
        return Math.round(value / Params.dataPath[subFrameNum].dopplerResolutionMps);

    return { rangeIdx: rangeIdx, dopplerIdx: dopplerIdx, x_coord: x_coord, y_coord: y_coord, z_coord: z_coord, doppler: doppler}


  • TI 포럼

  • ttyS0 is the device for the first UART serial port on x86 and x86_64 architectures. If you have a PC motherboard with serial ports you'd be using a ttySn to attach a modem or a serial console.

  • ttyUSB0 is the device for the first USB serial convertor. If you have an USB serial cable you'd be using a ttyUSBn to connect to the serial port of a router.

  • ttyAMA0 is the device for the first serial port on ARM architecture. If you have an ARM-based TV box with a serial console and running Android or OpenELEC, you'd be using a ttyAMAn to attach a console to it.

Since there is no guide explaining the data output structure, you will have to view the source code to understand the output. You will be interested in three files

  • mss_main.c,: transmits the data,
  • mmw_messages.h and <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/packages/ti/demo/io_interface/mmw_output.h:define the output.

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