1. List

1.1 2D CNN

1.2 Point Cloud

2. Paper

2.1 2D CNN

  • Visual Object Recognition with 3D-Aware Features in KITTI Urban Scenes [Yebes, Sensors '15]: stereo-vision

2.2 Multiview

2.3 Point Cloud

[sparse convolutional neural networks]
  • Alexandr Notchenko, Ermek Kapushev, Evgeny Burnaev. Sparse 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Large-Scale Shape Retrieval. CoRR, 2016.

  • M. Engelcke, D. Rao, D. Zeng Wang, C. H. Tong, I. Posner. Vote3Deep: Fast Object Detection in 3D Point Clouds Using Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks. CoRR, 2016.

  • Ben Graham. Sparse 3D convolutional neural networks. BMVC, 2015.

  • CNN-Based Object Segmentation in Urban LIDAR with Missing Points: 2016

  • LIDAR point upsampling. [Schneider, Arxiv '16]

2.4 Fusion

  • 2D/3D Sensor Exploitation and Fusion for Enhanced Object Detection (Similar to ours) [Xu, CVPRW '14]

3. Article (Post, blog, etc.)

3. Tutorial (Series, )

4. Youtube

6. Material (Pdf, ppt)

6.2 Point Cloud

7. Implementation (Project)

  • PyDriver: Training and evaluating object detectors and classifiers in road traffic

Project: Development of AEB System for Pedestrian Protection (4th year)

7.1 시뮬레이션 툴

8. Research Group / Conference

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