Opening remark and overview of 3D deep learning [pdf]

1. 3D Deep Learning Tasks

1.1. 3D Geometry Anaysis

1.2. 3D Assisted Image Analysis

1.3. 3D Synthesis

2. 3D representations

A. Rasterized form (Regular grids)

  • Multi-view images
  • Volumetric

CNN을 바로 적용 할수 있음, 몇가지 Challenges 있음

B. Geometric form(irregular)

  • Polygonal mesh
  • Point cloud
  • Primitive-based CAD models

CNN을 바로 적용 할수 없음, 새 딥러닝 Architecture 개발 필요

3D Deep learning algorithms by representation 3D Deep learning algorithms by representation

Deep learning on regular structures

1. Multi-view representation

  • Convert irregular (3D) to regular (images)

  • Circumvent any geometric representation artifacts (non-manifold geometry, polygon soups, no interior)

  • Leverage pre-trained image-based CNNs Empty inside!

  • Similarly to humans, analyze what can be seen: combine surface information from multiple views

1.1 Deep Learning on Multi-view Representation

A. 3D Classification

  • Hang Su, Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Recognition: Feature + Linear Classification

  • Issues:

    • What viewpoints to select? In particular, where shall we place the camera in a scene?
    • What if the input is noisy and incomplete? e.g., point cloud

B. Segmentation

  • Evangelos Kalogerakis, 3D Shape Segmentation with Projective Convolutional Networks, CVPR 2017

  • Challenges:

    • View-based network does not process invisible points
    • View-based representations have redundancy
    • Slow to train (~week for a few hundreds of shapes)
    • Aggregating view representations via max-pooling may lose information

C. Reconstruction

  • 3D Shape Reconstruction from Sketches via Multi-view Convolutional Networks”, arxiv 2017

1.2 Key challenges for multi-view representation

  • Fusing information across viewpoints is not incorporated in the network (not trivial)
  • “Cannot see through the surface”
  • Less redundancy than producing a surface for every possible continuous viewing angle, yet surfaces across different viewpoints may not be consistent.

2. Volumetric Representation

  • Information loss in voxelization

2.1 Deep Learning on Volumetric Representation

A. 3D Classification

  • 3DShapeNets from Princeton CVPR 2015

  • VoxNet from CMU Robotics IEEE/RSJ 2015

B. 3D reconstruction

  • Depth based methods [Eigen et al., Saxena et al., etc]
  • Model based methods [Su et al., Kar et al., Aubry et al., Choy et al., etc]

2.2 Key challenges for Volumetric Representation

  • The sparsity characteristic of volumetric data


  • Store only the occupied grids

    • Octree
  • Skip the computation of empty cells

    • “OctNet: Learning Deep 3D Representations at High Resolutions” CVPR2017
    • “O-CNN: Octree-based Convolutional Neural Network for Understanding 3D Shapes” SIGGRAPH2017

Deep learning on point cloud and other 3D forms [PDF]

1. Point cloud analysis

  • PointNet : Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and segmentation, CVPR 2017, Charles R. Qi

  • POintNet++ : Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space, Charles R. Qi

2. Point cloud synthesis

  • Task : 3D reconstruction from a single image

3. Primitive-based shapes

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