Improving 3D perception for Object Detection, Classification and Localization using Fused Multi-modal Sensors [링크]

  • 프로젝트 기간 : February 21, 2017

2. Motivation/Related Work

  • LiDAR의 장단점 : Lidars are good in the sense that it provides excellent range information but is highly sparse with limits to object identification;
  • 카메라의 장단점 cameras are good in the sense that it allows better object recognition but are limited to range information [1].
  • 둘의 퓨전 : It utilizes the shape and pose information from the lidar in order to assist vision based techniques for vehicle detection and classification.

  • 기존 연구 : Schwarz et al. [2] uses RGB-D information for efficient object recognition and pose estimation using pre-trained convolutional features that provide a rich, semantically meaningful feature set.

    • 제약 : But it considers that depth information is already aligned and fused; and datasets used are mainly in indoor settings.
[1] F. Zhang, D. Clarke, and A. Knoll, “Vehicle detection based on lidar and camera fusion,”in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1620–1625.
[2] M. Schwarz, H. Schulz, and S. Behnke, “Rgb-d object recognition and pose estimation based on pre-trained convolutional neural network features,” in Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 1329–1335.

3. Project Plan

The goal itself can be split into several parts;

  • multi-modal fusion in the first part
  • object recognition and localization on top of that fusion.

퓨전시 문제점 : How would we fuse lidar and camera when

  • lidar data is already very sparse and
  • its Field of View (FOV) overlaps partially with only FOV of the camera.


  • Firstly we need good calibration parameters that records both the intrinsics and extrinsics of the lidar and camera respectively.
    • Good calibration is necessary for good alignment of lidar points onto the images.
  • Secondly, 이미지와 라이다의 픽셀매칭을 위하여 Depth이미지의 손상된 부분을 복구 하는 알고리즘 필요 we need to devise a way to inpaint the aligned depth image (super resolution of depth image) in order to have pixel-pixel correspondence between image and lidar.


기존 pixel-pixel correspondence 연구들

  • Xue et al. [3] capitalizes on low-rankness of depth image to perform depth inpainting.
    • By using both low-rankness and sparse gradient regularization, it allows gradual depth changes for depth image inpainting.
  • Casterona et al. [4], however suggests to fuse the data and estimate the calibration parameters jointly by exploiting natural alignment of depth and intensity edges.
[3] H. Xue, S. Zhang, and D. Cai, “Depth image inpainting: Improving low rank matrix completion with low gradient regularization,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.05817, 2016.
[4] J. Castorena, U. S. Kamilov, and P. T. Boufounos, “Autocalibration of lidar and optical cameras via edge alignment,” in Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016 IEEE
International Conference on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 2862–2866.

3.2 detect, classify and localize

  • Our second step would be to use the fused information to efficiently recognize (detect, classify and localize) objects.

  • Different learning tasks can be deployed for the process.

[Schwarz et al]

Schwarz et al. [2]

  • uses pre-trained convolutional features on both color images and depth images from two different networks and
  • uses multi-task learning in order to separate classes and retain pose manifolds.
[Zhang et al]
  • On theother hand, Zhang et al. [1] proposes
    • using features from stereo camera for object detection in the hypothesis generation phase,
    • while using range information from lidar for object classification using hypothesis verification phase.
      • Range data is mainly used to extract shape parameter (13 fourier coefficients) for object classification.
  • 실험결과 위 방식을 쓰면 SVM만으로도 좋은 결과를 얻을수 있다. It shows that using this approach, even a single layer SVM can attain the objective of detecting and classifying vehicles efficiently.
[또 다른 방법]

Another method to look into is how to learn a joint probabilistic generative model using both lidar and visual information.

We can learn a hidden/latent variable by using both the range and images; the hidden variables can then be used to infer about the object classes.

  • We can use
    • variational auto-encoder (VAE)
    • or generative adversarial networks (GAN)
  • for learning to model the hidden variable before inferring about the object classes.

4. Datasets

There are several publicly available datasets that contains both Lidar and images. We can focus on three datasets.

4.1 The KITTI dataset

  • [5] is built in Germany with mainly three different sensors;
  • two Pointgrey Flea2 video camera (10 Hz, 1392 x 512 pixels), a Velodyne-64E 3D laser scanner (10 Hz, 64 laser beams,range 100 m), and a GPS/IMU localization unit.
  • The calibration parameters and benchmarking of objects are provided along with this dataset.
  • 6 hours of traffic scenarios (number of pedestrians, vehicles, bicyclists etc) are covered in the collection.
[5] A. Geiger, P. Lenz, C. Stiller, and R. Urtasun, “Vision meets robotics: The kitti dataset,” International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 2013.

4.2 The Ford Campus Vision and Lidar dataset

  • [6] is built in the city of Dearborn, Michigan.
  • Data acquisition is performed by means of an IMU unit, a Velodyne 3D laser scanner, and a PointGrey Lady-bug 3 omnidirectional camera system.
  • The dataset includes various small and large loop closure events, ranging from feature rich downtown areas to featureless empty parks.
[6] G. Pandey, J. R. McBride, and R. M. Eustice, “Ford campus vision and lidar data set,” International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 30, no. 13, pp. 1543–1552, 2011.

둘 모두 같은 센서를 사용하였으므로 같이 사용할수 있음 We plan to use both the datasets for our purpose since both of them seem to use the same type of sensors for data acquisition.

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