Part 1
1. Pre-processing
- 3D 사각형 영역을 Top-view형태의 8개 채널 별로 나눔
I first covert a rectangular region of lidar 3d point cloud into a multi-channel(8 channels) top view image
- kitti dataset(2011_09_26_drive_0005_sync) 사용
2. Training Net
- I learn to use tf.py_func() to create customized tf layer. For example, in the generation of +ve (red) and -ve (gray) anchor boxes training samples for the 3d proposal net:
Part 2
추가 작업
add a “dummy” rgb image feature extraction net.
generate 3d proposals from top view and then project to rgb proposals again
add several customised op to tensorflow.
SqueezeDet 적용
- In order to speedup development, I am now using an existing[1-SqueezeDet] rgb kitti car car detector to replace my “dummy” rgb feature extraction net.