Scene Flow
정의 providing the depth and 3D motion vectors of all visible points in a stereo video/RGBD Video
- Stereo Matching : 양안카메라, 이미지 파일, disparity estimation
- optical flow: 단안 카메라, 동영상 파일, a projection of the world’s 3D motion onto the image plane. (FlowNet)
- high-level vision tasks : image classification, object detection and semantic segmentation
- low-level vision tasks : optical flow prediction
1. Stereo Matching
2. Optical Flow
단안 카메라, 동영상 파일, a projection of the world’s 3D motion onto the image plane. (FlowNet)
Scene Flow
아래 내용을 통칭하여 [Scene Flow]라고 간주 하였습니다.
- Stereo matching
- Optical Flow
- Visual Odometry : 시각적 주행거리 측정 방법
1. List
2. Paper
- Computing the stereo matching cost with a convolutional neural network : Stereo estimation, Zbontar2015
stereo estimation : Zbontar2015 -> [Learning to compare image patches via convolutional neural networks] -> DL4sm(Luo2016)
- Survey on Visual Odometry Technology for Unmanned Systems: 2017, 무인 시스템의 시각적 주행 거리 측정 기술 동향