Deep Reinforcement Learning for Motion Planning

1. 강의 목적

  • DeepTraffic에 대하여 살펴보기

2. 머신러닝 종류

  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Semi-Supervised Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning

3. The process of Learning

  • Perceptron: Implement a NAND Gate 구현 가능

    • NAND gate가 정상 동작 한다면 어떤 logical function도 만들수 있으므로 중요
  • Learning is the process of gradually adjusting the weights and Seeing how it has an effect on the rest of the network

4. Feed-Forward Neural Network

5. Reinforcement Learning

Philosophical Motivation for Reinforcement Learning

  • Takeaway from Supervised Learning: Neural networks are great at memorization and not (yet) great at reasoning.
  • Hope for Reinforcement Learning: Brute-force propagation of outcomes to knowledge about states and actions.
    • This is a kind of brute-force “reasoning”

5.1 Agent and Environment

At each step the agent:

  • Executes action
  • Receives observation (new state)
  • Receives reward

The environment:

  • Receives action
  • Emits observation (new state)
  • Emits reward

Reinforcement learning is a general-purpose framework for decision-making:

  • An agent operates in an environment: Atari Breakout
  • An agent has the capacity to act
  • Each action influences the agent’s future state
  • Success is measured by a reward signal
  • Goal is to select actions to maximize future reward

Markov Decision Process 와의 유사점 차이점 알아보기

Major Components of an RL Agent

  • Policy: agent’s behavior function
  • Value function: how good is each state and/or action
  • Model: agent’s representation of the environment

5.2 Robot in a Room

A good strategy for an agent would be to always choose an action that maximizes the (discounted) future reward

6 Q-Learning

Off-Policy Learning

  • Use any policy to estimate Q that maximizes future reward
  • Q directly approximates Q* (Bellman optimality equation)
  • Independent of the policy being followed
  • Only requirement: keep updating each (s,a) pair

6.1 Exploration vs Exploitation

  • Key ingredient of Reinforcement Learning
  • $$ \epsilon -greedy$$ policy

6.2 제약

In practice, Value Iteration is impractical

  • Very limited states/actions
  • Cannot generalize to unobserved states

7. Deep Reinforcement Learning

Philosophical Motivation for Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Takeaway from Supervised Learning: Neural networks are great at memorization and not (yet) great at reasoning.
  • Hope for Reinforcement Learning: Brute-force propagation of outcomes to knowledge about states and actions. This is a kind of brute-force “reasoning”.
  • Hope for Deep Learning + Reinforcement Learning: General purpose artificial intelligence through efficient generalizable learning of the optimal thing to do given a formalized set of actions and states (possibly huge).

7.1 Deep Q-Network Training

Given a transition < s, a, r, s’ >, the Q-table update rule in the previous algorithm must be replaced with the following:

  1. Do a feedforward pass for the current state s to get predicted Q-values for all actions
  2. Do a feedforward pass for the next state s’ and calculate maximum overall network outputs max a’ Q(s’, a’)
  3. Set Q-value target for action to r + γmax a’ Q(s’, a’) (use the max calculated in step 2).
  4. For all other actions, set the Q-value target to the same as originally returned from step 1, making the error 0 for those outputs.
  5. Update the weights using backpropagation.

7.2 Exploration vs Exploitation

  • Key ingredient of Reinforcement Learning

7.3 Experience replay

  • ???

8. General Reinforcement Learning Architecture (Gorila)

  • 10x faster than Nature DQN on 38 out of 49 Atari games
  • Applied to recommender systems within Google

Nair et al. "Massively parallel methods for deep reinforcement learning." (2015).

9. The Game of Traffic

Open Question (Again): Is driving closer to chess or to everyday conversation?

DeepTraffic: Solving Traffic with Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Goal: Achieve the highest average speed over a long period of time.
  • Requirement for Students: Follow tutorial to achieve a speed of 65mph


  • Scoring: Average Speed

Tutorial: Simulation:

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