Project: Behavioral Cloning Architect and train a deep neural network to drive a car in a simulator. Collect your own training data and use it to clone your own driving behavior on a test track.

Jeremy Shannon의 해결 방안

[작성글], [Jupyter], [GitHub]

0. 개요

  • 핸들 각도 분포에 따른 성능 평가

1. 전처리

  • Udacity에서 제공한 Train 이미지는 전처리 작업 필요 : cropping, resizing, blur, and a change of color space)
  • Then I introduced some “jitter” (random brightness adjustments, artificial shadows, and horizon shifts) to sort of keep the model on its toes, so to speak
  • Udacity에서 테스트는 직선 길이가 많다. 그래서 운전대도 대부분 0각도에 많이 치우쳐져 있다.
    • 이렇게 되면 급커드 도로에서는 제대로 대처 하지 못한다.
    • 중앙에 치운친 값들을 제거 하여 완만하게 변경
  • 추가 적인 전처리 과정들
    1. More aggressive cropping (inspired by David Ventimiglia’s post)
    2. Cleaning the dataset one image at a time (inspired by David Brailovsky’s post)

2. 본처리

  • Further model adjustments (L2 regularization, ELU activations, adjusting optimizer learning rate, etc.)
  • Model checkpoints (something of a buy-one-get-X-free each time the training process runs)

3. 후처리

4. 결론

  • 성능은 데이터에 달려 있음.
  • 모델 아키텍쳐를 바꾸는것은 큰 효과가 없음
  • 급 커브에 대응 하려면 그러한 데이터도 있어야 함.

좀더 자세한 기술은 [여기]참고

Arnaldo Gunzi의 해결 방안

[작성글], [Jupyter], [GitHub]

0. 개요

  • Inputs: Recorded images and steering angles(8036*3 : 중앙, 오른쪽, 왼쪽 카메라), throttle, brake.
    • The steering angle is normalized from -1 to 1, corresponding in the car to -25 to 25 degrees.
  • Outputs: Predicted steering angles
  • What to do: Design a neural network that successfully and safely performs the circuit by himself

잘 되지 않음. 무엇이 영향을 미치는지 고찰 필요 : 구름, 강, 차선, 도로 색상, 차선이 없으면?

1. 전처리

1.1 Image augmentation

A. Center and lateral images

  • 좌/우측의 카메라 정보를 사용할수 없을까?
  • I added a correction angle of 0.10 to the left image, and -0.10 to the right one. The idea is to centre the car, avoid the borders.

B. Flip images

  • 일부 이미지를 좌우 대칭 & 운전대 각도 변경
  • we can neutralize some tendency of the human driver that drove a bit more to the left or to the right of the lane.
if np.random.uniform()>0.5:
  X_in[i,:,:,:] = cv2.flip(X_in[i,:,:,:],1)
  Y_in[i] = -p[i] #Flipped images

C. Random lateral perturbation

  • The idea is to move to image a randomly a bit to the left or the right,
  • and add a proportional compensation in the angle value.

D. Resize

  • 성능상의 문제로 이미지크기가 작으면 좋다.
  • stride of the convolutional layers도 줄였다.

신기한 결과 : When the image is smaller, the zig zag of the car is greater. Surely because there are fewer details in the image.

E. Crop

하늘과 나무들을 삭제

crop_img = imgRGB[40:160,10:310,:] #Throwing away to superior portion of the image and 10 pixels from each side of the original 
image = (160, 320)

F. Grayscale, YUV, HSV

I tried grayscale, full color, the Y channel of YUV, S channel of HSV

  • All of this because my model wasn’t able to avoid the dirty exit after the bridge, where there is not a clear lane mark in the road.
 imgOut = cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV) 
 imgOut = cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

G. Normalization

뉴럴 네트워크는 작은 수에 잘 동작 하기에 Normalization 실시

  • sigmoid activation has range (0, 1), tanh has range (-1,1).

Images have 3 RGB channels with value 0 to 255.

  • The normalized array has range from -1 to 1 : X_norm = X_in/127.5–1

2. 본처리

뉴럴 네트워크의 종류는 많기 때문에 일단 시작으로 NVIDIA 모델을 적용 하였다[1].

3. 후처리

4. 결론

전처리에 대한 대부분을 커버 하고 있음

James Jackson의 해결 방안

[작성글], [Jupyter], [GitHub]

0. 개요

1. 전처리

Data Augmentation

  • Smoothing steering angles & normalizing steering angles based on throttle/speed, are both investigated
  • A constant 0.25 (6.25 deg.) is added to left camera image steering angles, and substracted from right camera image steering angles
    • This forces aggressive right turns when drifting to the left of the lane, and vice-versa.
  • Variable steering adjustment based on the current steering angle is an area for future investigation.
  • All images (left, center, right) are flipped to provide additional data & balance the dataset
  • 불필요한 상하단 이미지 제거
  • 학습 시간 단축을 위해 resized to 64x64 pixels

더 자세한 augmentation은 Vivek Yadav 참고

2. 본처리

2.1 The Model

comma.ai의 학습모델을 기본으로한 Tensorflow/Keras 이용

  • The input layer takes a 64x64x3 (RGB) image and normalizes the values between -1 and 1 via a lambda funtion.
  • There are 3 convolutional layers
    • using 16 filters of size 8x8
    • 32 filters of size 5x5
    • finally 64 filters of size 5x5.
  • The convolutional layers are separated by activation layers, specificially Exponential Linear Units (ELUs).
  • DropOut
    • dropout (0.2) is applied before switching to the first fully connected layer.
    • A second dropout (0.5) is applied before the final fully connected layer of 513 parameters.
    • The dropouts create a robust network that is more resilient to overfitting.
  • The model uses 592,497 parameters in total. 0.0194 after the 8th

2.2 Training

  • Adam optimizer(learning rate of 0.001 )
  • Training is run for 8 epochs
  • Mean Squared Error (MSE) : 1st epoch is 0.0327 -->

3. 후처리

4. 결론

Alena Kastsiukavets의 해결 방안

[작성글], [Jupyter], [GitHub]

0. 개요

Transfer Learning with Feature Extraction 기법 적용

  • this approach is chosen when your NN is similar to base network
  • We have a pre-trained neural network from ImageNet Competition
    • ImageNet모델은 Object탐지에 좋은 성능을 보이고 있고, 차선도 Object의 하나이다.

Transfer Learning기법의 장점

  • 많은 데이터가 불필요하다. 따라서 유다시티 ~8.000로도 충분하다.
  • Thanks to frozen weights and small amount of images (I use ~400 images) I have significantly reduced training time and was able to play a lot with my car and analyze its behavior.
  • I had a small hope that pre-trained NN would help me to generalize to track 2 without heavy data-augmentation.
    • Unfortunately, I had to add brightness augmentation to generalize to track2.

1. 전처리

  • cropping to remove unnecessary information from the image
  • applied random brightness for every image from tests set

2. 본처리

  • Feature extraction를 위한 모델로 VGG16 이용
    • It has good performance and at the same time quite simple.
    • Moreover it has something in common with popular NVidia and models.
    • VGG16을 이용하기 위해서는 최소 48x48크기의 Color이미지를 사용해함

3. 후처리

4. 결론

There is a list of techniques I found useful for this project:

  • 항상 코드를 재 확인해라. 사소한 실수들이 내재되어 있을수 있다. 저자는 초기에 실수로 검은 사진만 학습에 사용하였다.
  • 여러 기술들을 한번에 적용해보고 싶겠지만, 하나씩 적용해 가면서 살펴 보는게 중요하다. And tuning became easy and predictable!
  • 데이터의 균형을 이루어라 Balance your data! It is the key point.
  • When your model is good, validation loss is a good indicator of better model.
    • Before this it is good to use callbacks and save your model after each iteration.
    • They allow you to analyze your model behavior! [참고]

Denise R. James의 해결 방안

[작성글], [Jupyter], [GitHub]

0. 개요

  • Keras `modle.fit_generator()를 효율적으로 이용

코드 설명은 본문 [참고]

1. 전처리

  • 상하단 이미지 제거

2. 본처리

2.1 First Conv. Layer - Conv1

For the input planes with a shape of 66x208x3, (HxWxD) conv1 has 24 filters of shape 5x5x3 (HxWxD) A stride of 2 for both the height and width (S) Same padding of size 1 (P) The formula for calculating the new output height or width of conv1 layer is: new_height = (input_height — filter_height + 2 P)/S + 1 new_width = (input_width — filter_width + 2 P)/S + 1 new_height = (66–5 +21)/2 +1 = 33 new_width = (208–5+21)/2 + 1 = 104 Output shape of conv1 layer is (33, 104, 24)

2.2 Second Conv. Layer - Conv2

For the input planes with a shape of 33x104x24, (HxWxD) conv2 has 36 filters of shape 5x5x24 (HxWxD) A stride of 2 for both the height and width (S) Same padding of size 2 (P) The formula for calculating the new output height or width of conv1 layer is: new_height = (input_height — filter_height + 2 P)/S + 1 new_width = (input_width — filter_width + 2 P)/S + 1 new_height = (33–5 +22)/2 +1 = 17 new_width = (104–5+22)/2 + 1 = 52 Output shape of conv1 layer is (17, 52, 36) Parameters = (5 x 5 x 24 + 1 ) *36 = 21636

2.3 Third Conv. Layer - Conv3

이후 레이어 설명은 본문 [참고]

3. 후처리

Andrew Wilkie의 해결 방안

[작성글], [Jupyter], [GitHub]

0. 개요

Keras를 이용하여 구현

  1. truncated highly logged angles to reduce bias,
  2. shifted left and right front facing driving images with corresponding steering angles adjustments to generate Recovery training examples, instead of manually recording them,
  3. cropped the camera images to the road and low horizon to help the model focus it’s learning on the important features of the image,
  4. randomly applied shadows to the training dataset as Test Track 2 is dark, and
  5. randomly mirrored the images and their corresponding steering angles to reduce the left-steering bias in the training dataset.

1. 전처리

Vivek Yadav’s의 방식 적용

  • An augmentation based deep neural network approach to learn human driving behavior

2. 본처리

Nvidia model 모델 사용

3. 후처리

4. 결과

1 “End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars”- Mariusz Bojarski, ARXIV 2016.

1. Smoothing steering angles by SciPy Butterworth filter

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