Deep Convolutional Neural Network Design Patterns
Abs. 최근 많은 네트워크들이 개발되고 있지만 이를 사용하는 활용자의 관련 지식 미흡으로 개발과 적용의 기술적 갭이 존재 한다. 본 논문에서는 갭 해결을 위한 정보 제공과 몇가지 새 네트워크를 제안 하려 합니다. [Github]
본 논문에서는 14개의 Original Design Pattern에 대하여 살펴 볼것이다.
기존 연구
- Alexander (1979) in regards to the architectures of buildings and towns[1]
- The basis of design patterns is that they resolve a conflict of forces in a given context and lead to an equilibrium analogous to the ecological balance in nature.
- Design patterns are both highly specific, making them clear to follow, and flexible so they can be adapted to different environments and situations.
- Gamma et al. (1995) the “gang of four” applied the concept of
design patterns to the architecture of object-oriented software[2]
- This classic computer science book describes 23 patterns that resolve issues prevalent in software design, such as “requirements always change”.
위 2개의 기존 연구를 기반으로 본 연구는 진행 되었다. 모든 네트워크의 패턴을 다 살펴 보기는 어려우니 본 논문에서는 "CNN"의 "Classification"에 초점을 맞추었다.
Design Pattern 1 | Architectural Structure follows the Application | Application에 따라 아키텍쳐는 다르다 |
”Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade” (Orr & Müller, 2003) contains recommendations for network models but without reference to the vast amount of research in the past few years
모델 설계에 대한 방대한 양(700p) 다루고 있지만, 최근 내용을 다루고 있지는 않다. (초판 2003, 2012년 updated)
Szegedy et al. (2015b) where those authors describe a few design principles based on their experiences.
본 논문과 가장 유사한 내용을 포함하고 있음
we focus on recent innovations in convolutional neural networks architectures and, in particular, on Residual Networks(He et al., 2015) and its recent family of variants.
We start with Network In Networks (Lin et al.,2013), which describes a hierarchical network with a small network design repeatedly embedded in the overall architecture.
Szegedy et al. (2015a) incorporated this idea into their Inception ar-chitecture.
- Later, these authors proposed modifications to the original Inception design (Szegedyet al., 2015b).
A similar concept was contained in the multi-scale convolution architecture (Liao &Carneiro, 2015).
In the meantime, Batch Normalization (Ioffe & Szegedy, 2015) was presented as a unit within the network that makes training faster and easier.
Residual Networks외에 skip connections을 제안하고 있는 다른 논문들
- Skip connections were proposed by Raiko et al. (2012).
- Highway Networks (Srivastava et al., 2015) use a gating mechanism to decide whether to combine the input with the layer’s output and showed how these networks allowed the training of very deep networks.
- The DropIn technique (Smith et al.,2015; 2016) also trains very deep networks by allowing a layer’s input to skip the layer.
The concept of stochastic depth via a drop-path method was introduced by Huang et al. (2016b).
Residual Networks were introduced by He et al. (2015), where the authors describe their network that won the 2015 ImageNet Challenge.
- They were able to extend the depth of a network from tens to hundreds of layers and in doing so, improve the network’s performance.
- The authors followed up with another paper (He et al., 2016) where they investigate why identity mappings help and report results for a network with more than a thousand layers.
The research community took notice of this architecture and many modifications to the original design were soon proposed.
The Inception-v4 paper (Szegedy et al., 2016) describes the impact of residual connections on their Inception architecture and compared these results with the results from an updated Inception design.
- The Resnet in Resnet paper (Targ et al., 2016) suggests a duel stream architecture.
-Veit et al. (2016)provided an understanding of Residual Networks as an ensemble of relatively shallow networks.
- These authors illustrated how these residual connections allow the input to follow an exponential number of paths through the architecture.
At the same time, the FractalNet paper (Larsson et al.,2016) demonstrated training deep networks with a symmetrically repeating architectural pattern.
As described later, we found the symmetry introduced in their paper intriguing.
In a similar vein,Convolutional Neural Fabrics (Saxena & Verbeek, 2016) introduces a three dimensional network,where the usual depth through the network is the first dimension.
Wide Residual Networks (Zagoruyko & Komodakis, 2016) demonstrate that simultaneously increasing both depth and width leads to improved performance.
In Swapout (Singh et al., 2016), each layer can be dropped, skipped, used normally, or combined with a residual.
Deeply Fused Nets (Wanget al., 2016) proposes networks with multiple paths.
In the Weighted Residual Networks paper (Shen& Zeng, 2016), the authors recommend a weighting factor for the output from the convolutional layers, which gradually introduces the trainable layers.
Convolutional Residual Memory Networks(Moniz & Pal, 2016) proposes an architecture that combines a convolutional Residual Network with an LSTM memory mechanism.
For Residual of Residual Networks (Zhang et al., 2016), the authors propose adding a hierarchy of skip connections where the input can skip a layer, a module, or any number of modules.
DenseNets (Huang et al., 2016a) introduces a network where each module isdensely connected; that is, the output from a layer is input to all of the other layers in the module.
In the Multi-Residual paper (Abdi & Nahavandi, 2016), the authors propose expanding a residual blockwidth-wise to contain multiple convolutional paths.
Design Pattern 2 | Proliferate(증식,확산) Paths is based on the idea that ResNets can be an exponential ensemble of networks with different lengths. |
It is also apparent(명백한) that multiplying the number of paths through the network is a recent trend that is illustrated in the progression from Alexnet to Inception to ResNets.
- For example, Veit et al. (2016)show that ResNets can be considered to be an exponential ensemble of networks with different lengths.
최근 트렌드는 multiplying the number of paths 이다.
예" FractalNet (Larsson et al. 2016), Xception(Chollet 2016), and Decision Forest Convolutional Networks (Ioannou et al. 2016).
Design Pattern 3 | Strive(분투하다) for Simplicity suggests using fewer types of units and keeping the network as simple as possible. |
Simplicity was exemplified(대표적 예) in the paper ”Striving for Simplicity” (Springenberg et al. 2014) by achieving state-of-the-art results with fewer types of units.
Design Pattern 4 | Increase Symmetry(대칭) is derived from the fact that architectural symmetry is typically considered a sign of beauty and quality. |
We also noted a special degree of elegance in the FractalNet (Larsson et al. 2016) design, which we attributed to the symmetry of its structure.
In addition to its symmetry, FractalNets also adheres to the Proliferate Paths design pattern.
간결성 이외에도 FractalNets는 Proliferate Paths design pattern도 포함 하고 있다.
An essential element of design patterns is the examination of trade-offs in an effort to understand the relevant forces.
디자인 패턴의 중요 요소중 하나는 examination of trade-offs in an effort to understand the relevant forces.
One fundamental trade-off is the maximization of representational power versus elimination of redundant and non-discriminating information.
트레이드 오프 1 : 표현력 극대화(maximization of representational power) Vs. 비 식별 정보 제거 (elimination of non-discriminating information.)
Design Pattern 5 | Pyramid Shape says there should be an overall smooth down sampling combined with an increase in the number of channels throughout the architecture. |
It is universal in all convolutional neural networks that the activations are downsampled and the number of channels increased from the input to the final layer, which is exemplified in Deep Pyramidal Residual Networks (Han et al. (2016)).
CNN에서 일반적으로 마지막 레이어 전에는
Activation은 다운샘플링
하고Channel의 수는 증가
시킨다. 이것은Deep Pyramidal Residual Networks
에 잘 나타나 있다.
Another trade-off in deep learning is training accuracy versus the ability of the network to generalize to non-seen cases.
트레이드 오프 2: 학습 정확도(training accuracy) Vs. 일반화(Generalize to non-seen cases)
Regularization is commonly used to improve generalization, which includes methods such as dropout
(Srivastava et al. 2014a) and drop-path
(Huang et al. 2016b).
We believe regularization techniques and prudent noise injection during training improves generalization (Srivastava et al.2014b, Gulcehre et al. 2016).
dropout(일부로 Noise추가)과 drop-path같은 Regularization 기법들은 모델의 일반화를 증가 시킨다.
Design Pattern 6 | Over-train includes any training method where the network is trained on a harder problem than necessary to improve generalization performance of inference. |
Design Pattern 7 | Cover the Problem Space with the training data is another way to improve generalization |
e.g., Ratner et al. 2016, Hu et al. 2016, Wong et al. 2016, Johnson-Robersonet al. 2016).
Related to regularization methods, cover the problem space includes the use of noise(Rasmus et al. 2015, Krause et al. 2015, Pezeshki et al. 2015) and data augmentation, such as randomcropping, flipping, and varying brightness, contrast, and the like.
cover the problem space
는 Noise와 Data augmentation을 사용한다.
A common thread throughout many of the more successful architectures is to make each layer’s “job” easier.
대부분의 좋은 성능을 보이는 네트워크들은 각 Layer의 'Job'을 Easier하게 하였다.
Use of very deep networks is an example because any single layer only needs to incrementally modify the input, and this partially explains the success of Residual Networks, since in very deep networks, a layer’s output is likely similar to the input; hence adding the input to the layer’s output makes the layer’s job incremental.
Also, this concept is part of the motivation behind design pattern 2 but it extends beyond that.
이 컨셉은 Pattern 2의 연장선에 있다.
each layer’s “job” easier하는 첫번째 방법
Design Pattern 8 | Incremental Feature Construction recommends using short skip lengths in ResNets. | 짧은 Skip Length사용할것을 추천 |
A recent paper (Alain & Bengio (2016)) showed in an experiment that using an identity skip length of 64 in a network of depth 128 led to the first portion of the network not being trained.
최근 연구에 따르면 128층의 레이어에서 skip length 64를 쓰는것은 레이어의 첫번째 위치한 것은 학습이 일어 나지 않았다.
each layer’s “job” easier하는 두번째 방법
Design Pattern 9 | Normalize Layer Inputs is another way to make a layer’s job easier |
Normalization of layer inputs has been shown to improve training and accuracy but the underlying reasons are not clear (Ioffe & Szegedy 2015, Ba et al. 2016, Salimans & Kingma 2016).
layer inputs을 Normalization하면 학습 정확도가 향상 되지만 그 원인에 대하여는 알려져 있지 않다.
The Batch Normalization paper (Ioffe & Szegedy 2015) attributes the benefits to handling internal covariate shift, while the authors of streaming normalization (Liao et al. 2016) express that it might be otherwise.
'Batch Normalization'논문의 저자는 내부 covariate shift를 조작하기 때문에 정확도 향상이 가능한것으로 보고 있으며,
streaming normalization
논문의 저자는 다른 이유가 있을것으로 보고 있다.
We feel that normalization puts all the layer’s input samples on more equal footing (analogous to a units conversion scaling), which allows back-propagation to train more effectively.
은 모든 레이어의 입력 샘플들을 동일한 선상에 놓게 함으로써 백프로파게이션을 통한 학습이 효율적이 되는것 같다.
Some research, such as Wide ResNets (Zagoruyko & Komodakis 2016), has shown that increasing the number of channels improves performance but there are additional costs with extra channels.
Wide ResNets
연구를 보면 Channel 수가 증가 하면 성능은 증가 하지만 additional costs with extra channels(??)이 존재한다.
The input data for many of the benchmark datasets have 3 channels (i.e., RGB).
대부분의 데이터셋의 입력 channel은 3이다(eg. RGB).
Design Pattern 10 | Input Transition is based on the common occurrence that the output from the first layer of a CNN significantly increases the number of channels from 3. |
A few examples of this increase in channels/outputs at the first layer for ImageNet are AlexNet (96 channels), Inception (32), VGG (224), and ResNets (64).
첫번째 레이어에서 channel/output의 중가에 대한 몇가지 예가 AlexNet (96 channels), Inception (32), VGG (224), and ResNets (64)이다.
Intuitively it makes sense to increase the number of channels from 3 in the first layer as it allows the input data to be examined many ways but it is not clear how many outputs are best.
직감적으로 입력 데이터를 가지고 많은 실험을 할수 있으므로 첫번째 레이어에서 체널수를 증가 하는게 make sense하다. 하지만 얼마로 할지는 아직 밝혀 지지 않았다.
Here, the trade-off is that of cost versus accuracy.
이때의 트레이드 오프는 Cost Vs. Accuracy이다.
Design Pattern 11 | Available Resources Guide Layer Widths is based on balancing costs against an application’s requirements. |
Choose the number of outputs of the first layer based on memory and computational resources and desired accuracy.
첫 레이어의 output을 정하는것은 컴퓨터 자원(메모리)와 목표로 하는 정확도를 가지고 정할수 있다.
When there are multiple branches, three methods have been used to combine the outputs; concatenation, summation (or mean), or Maxout. It seems that different researchers have their favorites and there hasn’t been any motivation for using one in preference to another. In this Section, we propose some rules for deciding how to combine branches.
여러개 가지(branch)가 있을때는 Output을 합치기 위해 concatenation, summation (or mean), Maxout를 사용할 수 있다. 연구원들이 이 셋중에서 하나를 선택 할때 딱히 선호하는 이유가 있는것 같지는 않다. 본 Section에서는 3가지 방법 중 선택의 가이드를 제공하려 한다.
Summation & mean
Design Pattern 12 | Summation Joining is where the joining is performed by summation/mean |
Summation is one of the most common ways of combining branches.
Summation는 가장 일반적인 가지 합치는 방법이다.
Summation is the preferred joining mechanism for Residual Networks because it allows each branch to compute corrective terms (i.e.,residuals) rather than the entire approximation.
Residual Networks
에서는 summation방법을 선호 하는데 그 이유는 이 방법은 각 branch를 'entire approximation'가 아닌 'corrective terms(=residual)'로 계산 하기 때문이다.
The difference between summation and mean (i.e.,fractal-join) is best understood by considering drop-path (Huang et al. 2016b).
summation와 mean 사이의 차이점은 best understood by considering drop-path(??)
In a Residual Network where the input skip connection is always present, summation causes the layers to learn the residual (the difference from the input).
Residual Network
에는 항상 input skip connection을 항상 사용하는데 summation는 레이어가 'input과의 residual 차이점'를 학습하게 한다.
On the other hand, in networks with several branches, where any branch can be dropped (e.g., FractalNet (Larsson et al. (2016))), using the mean is preferable as it keeps the output smooth as branches are randomly dropped.
branch가 dropped되는 네트워크
는 mean을 선호 한다. 그 이유는 Branch가 drooped되더라도 keeps the output smooth하기 때문이다.
Some researchers seem to prefer concatenation (e.g., Szegedy et al. (2015a)).
Design Pattern 13 | Down-sampling Transition recommends using concatenation joining for increasing the number of outputs when pooling | 풀링시 output 수 증가를 위해 concatenation joining을 사용하는것을 추천한다. |
That is, when down-sampling by pooling or using a stride greater than 1, a good way to combine branches is to concatenate the output channels, hence smoothly accomplishing both joining and an increase in the number of channels that typically accompanies down-sampling.
Pooling을 통해 다운샘플링되거나 1보다 큰 stride 를 쓸때 branch를 합치는 좋은 방법은 Output 채널을 concatenate 하는것이다. 이렇게 함으로써
과increase in the number of channels
모두 달성 할수 있다.
Maxout has been used for competition, as in locally competitive networks (Srivastava et al. 2014b) and competitive multi-scale networks Liao & Carneiro (2015).
Maxout은 "competition"에 이용되었다.
Design Pattern 14 | Maxout for Competition is based on Maxout choosing only one of the activations |
Maxout choosing only one of the activations, which is in contrast to summation or mean where the activations are “cooperating”; here, there is a “competition” with only one “winner”.|
Maxout 이 activations중 하나를 선택 하는것은 summation/mean 과는 반대이다. summation/mean에서 activations은 cooperating이다.
For example, when each branch is composed of different sized kernels, Maxout is useful for incorporating scale invariance in an analogous way to how max pooling enables translation invariance.
예를 들어 서로 다른 크기의 Kernel로 구성된 Branch가 있다면 Maxout???
[1] Christopher Alexander. The timeless way of building, volume 1. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979
[2] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software. Pearson Education India, 1995
[1] Christopher Alexander. The timeless way of building, volume 1. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979