A Survey on Transfer Learning

A Survey on Transfer Learning - SJ Pan et al. 2010

Sinno Jialin Pan and Qiang Yang, Fellow, IEEE, 2010

논문 구성

we first give a general overview and define some notations

We, briefly survey the history of transfer learning, give a unified definition of transfer learning and categorize transfer learning into three different settings (given in Table 2 and Fig. 2).

For each setting, we review different approaches, given in Table 3 in detail.

After that, in Section 6, we review some current research on the topic of “negative transfer,” which happens when knowledge transfer has a negative impact on target learning. In Section 7, we introduce some successful applications of transfer learning and list some published data sets and software toolkits for transfer learning research. Finally, we conclude the paper with a discussion of future works in Section 8.

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