FilterPy - KalmanFilter

1. 사전 작업

1.1 construction the filter

  • size of the state vector with dim_x
  • size of the measurement vector that you will be using with dim_z.

1.2 Instance Variables

You will have to assign reasonable values to all of these before running the filter.

All must have dtype of float.

  • x : ndarray (dim_x, 1), default = [0,0,0…0] : filter state estimate
  • P : ndarray (dim_x, dim_x), default eye(dim_x) : covariance matrix
  • Q : ndarray (dim_x, dim_x), default eye(dim_x) : Process uncertainty/noise
  • R : ndarray (dim_z, dim_z), default eye(dim_x) : measurement uncertainty/noise
  • H : ndarray (dim_z, dim_x) : measurement function
  • F : ndarray (dim_x, dim_x) : state transistion matrix
  • B : ndarray (dim_x, dim_u), default 0 : control transition matrix

Optional Instance Variables

  • alpha : float : Assign a value > 1.0 to turn this into a fading memory filter.

Read-only Instance Variables

  • K : ndarray : Kalman gain that was used in the most recent update() call.
  • y : ndarray : Residual calculated in the most recent update() call.
    • I.e., the different between the measurement and the current estimated state projected into measurement space (z - Hx)
  • S : ndarray : System uncertainty projected into measurement space.
    • I.e., HPH’ + R. Probably not very useful, but it is here if you want it.
  • likelihood : float : Likelihood of last measurment update.
  • log_likelihood : float : Log likelihood of last measurment update.

2. Example

  • Here is a filter that tracks position and velocity using a sensor that only reads position.

2.1 construction the filter

from filterpy.kalman import KalmanFilter
f = KalmanFilter (dim_x=2, dim_z=1)

dim_x : int

    Number of state variables for the Kalman filter. For example, if you are tracking the position and velocity of an object in two dimensions, dim_x would be 4. This is used to set the default size of P, Q, and u
dim_z : int

    Number of of measurement inputs. For example, if the sensor provides you with position in (x,y), dim_z would be 2.
dim_u : int (optional)

    size of the control input, if it is being used. Default value of 0 indicates it is not used.
compute_log_likelihood : bool (default = True)

    Computes log likelihood by default, but this can be a slow computation, so if you never use it you can turn this computation off.


2.2 Instance Variables

# 1. Assign the initial value for the state (position and velocity). You can do this with a two dimensional array like so:
f.x = np.array([[2.],    # position
                [0.]])   # velocity

f.x = np.array([2., 0.])

# 2. Define the state transition matrix:

f.F = np.array([[1.,1.],

# 3. Define the measurement function:

f.H = np.array([[1.,0.]])

# 4. Define the covariance matrix. 
## Here I take advantage of the fact that P already contains np.eye(dim_x), and just multiply by the uncertainty:

f.P *= 1000.

### I could have written:

f.P = np.array([[1000.,    0.],
                [   0., 1000.] ])

### You decide which is more readable and understandable.

# 5. Now assign the measurement noise. 
### Here the dimension is 1x1, so I can use a scalar

f.R = 5

### I could have done this instead:

f.R = np.array([[5.]])

### Note that this must be a 2 dimensional array, as must all the matrices.

# 6. Finally, I will assign the process noise. Here I will take advantage of another FilterPy library function:
from filterpy.common import Q_discrete_white_noise
f.Q = Q_discrete_white_noise(dim=2, dt=0.1, var=0.13)

2.3 실행

z = get_sensor_reading()

do_something_with_estimate (f.x)

# Example
while True:
    z, R = read_sensor()
    x, P = predict(x, P, F, Q)
    x, P = update(x, P, z, R, H)


dim_x : 상태 변수의 수로, 두 개체의 속도와 위치를 추적하고 있다면 4가 된다 (두 개체 * (속도 + 위치))

dim_z : 측정 입력(measurement input)의 수, 센서가 (x, y)위치를 제공한다면 2가 된다

dim_u : 제어 입력(control input)의 수


x : numpy.array(dim_x, 1), State estimate vector 상태 측정 벡터

P : numpy.array(dim_x, dim_x), Covariance matrix 공분산 행렬, 여러 변수와 관련된 공분산을 포함하는 정방형 행렬

R : numpy.array(dim_z, dim_z), Measurement noise matrix 측정 잡음 행렬

Q : numpy.array(dim_x, dim_x), Process noise matrix 프로세스 잡음 행렬

B : numpy.array(dim_x, dim_z), Control transition matrix, 제어 천이 행렬

F : numpy.array(), State transition matrix 상태 천이 행렬, 시간의 변화에 따른 상태의 변화를 야기시키는 행렬

H : numpy.array(dim_x, dim_x), Measurement function, 측정 기능

-읽기 속성

y : numpy.array, 갱신 단계의 나머지

K : numpy.array(dim_x, dim_z), 업데이트 단계의 칼만 게인

S : numpy.array, 측정 공간에 불확실하게 투영되는 시스템

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