4. Chapter 4a: ROS Actions #Part 1
4a.1 Playing with the Quadrotor simulation
rostopic pub /drone/takeoff std_msgs/Empty "{}"
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
rostopic pub /drone/land std_msgs/Empty "{}"
4a.2 What are ROS Actions
Actions are like asynchronous call to service
Actions are the same as services.
When you call an action, you are calling a functionality that another node is providing.
The difference is that when your node calls a service, it must wail the service finished.
- WHen your node calls an action, it doesn't necessarily have to wait for the action to complete.
Hence, an action is an asynchronous call to another node's functionality
- The node that provides the functionality has to contain an action server. The action server allows other nodes to call that action functionality.
The node that calls to the functionality has to contain an action client. The action clien allow a node to connect to the action server to another node
- 서비스의 리스트를 볼때는
rosservice list
액션의 리스트를 볼때는
가 아니라rosaction list
rostopic list
을 어떻게 비교 하나? 일반적으로 아래의 5가지 액션 topic만 쓰는 구조이므로 이걸로 기억 하기/{}_action_server/cancel
4a.3 Calling an Action Server
calling an action server mean sending a message to it
In the same way as with topics and services, it all works by passing messages around
- The message of topic is composed of a single part : the inforatmion the topic provides
- The message of a service has tow part : the goal and the response
- The message of an action serviver is devided in tree part : the goal, the result, and the feedback.
All of the action messages used are defined in the action directory of their package
- 해당
에 가면action이란 폴더
가 있음. 해당 폴더 안에{}.action
이란 파일 존재
- 해당
goal : COnsist of variable called nseconds of type int32.
- This int32 type is a standard ROS message, therefore, it can be foun in the
- Because it's a standard package of ROS, it's net needed to indicate the package where the int32 can be found
- This int32 type is a standard ROS message, therefore, it can be foun in the
Result : Consis of a variable called allPictures, an array of type CompressedImages[] found in the
feedback : consist of a variable called lastImage of type CompressedImages[] found in the
- The feedback is a message that the action server generates every once in a while to indicate how the action is going
[정리] How to call an action server
- The way you call an action server is by implementing an action client
4a.4 Performing other tasks while the Action is in progress
- The simpleActionClient objects have two functions that can be used for knowing if the action that is being performed has finished, and how:
- wait_for_result()
- get_state() : pending(0), active(1), done(2), warn(3), error(4), 2보다 낮으면 아직 작업중이므로...
[코드] wait_for_result()
[코드] get_state()
4a.5 The axclient
지금까지의 아래의 두 방법을 이용하여서 action server에 goal을 전송 하였다.
- Publishing directly into the /goal topic of the Action Server
- Publishing the goal unsing Python code
좀더 편하고 쉬운 방법이 있다. axclient
- The axclient is a GUI tool provided by the actionlib packages
- that allows you to interact with an Action Server in a easy/Visual way
- 실행법
rosrun actionlib axclient.py /ardrone_action_server
4. Chapter 4b: ROS Actions #Part 2
4b.1 Writing an Action Server
- Directly
#goal의 type 정보 읽어 오기
rostopic info /fibonacci_as/goal
# pub로 실행
rostopic pub /fibonacci_as/goal actionlib_tutorials/FibonacciActionGoal "header" TAB + TAB`하여 전체 내용 출력 되면 값 수정
# 값의 type은 src/..../action폴더의 *.action파일로 확인 가능
- python코드로 실행