사람 추가 (Actor)
Gazebo Tutorial, SDF Element, Sample Code
- an animated model is called an actor.
- Actors extend
common models
, adding animation capabilities.
- Skeleton animation: which is relative motion between links in one model:
Motion along a trajectory: which carries all of the actor's links around the world, as one group
두 종류를 합쳐서 동시에 적용 가능
기존 Model과 차이점
Gazebo's actors are just like models
, so you can put links and joints inside them as usual.
The main differences are:
- Actors are always static (i.e. no forces are applied on them, be it from gravity or contact or anything else)
- Actors support skeleton animation imported from COLLADA and BVH files.
- Actors can have trajectories scripted directly in SDF.
- There can't be models nested inside actors, so we're limited to animated meshes, links and joints.