LAS 포맷

  • 정의
  • the most commonly used binary point data exchange format
  • The LAS file format is a public file format for the interchange of 3-dimensional point cloud data data between data users
  • supports the exchange of any 3-dimensional x,y,z tuplet
  • What Lidar processing tools are available in Python?
  • 항공용 Lidar 데이터에서 주로 사용하는지 확인 필요

pcap to LAS

LAS format - the most commonly used binary point data exchange format

  • (1) I suggest you create many many txt files containing the points in xyz or xyzi a layout (i = intensity). Maybe one file per driveline. (벨로뷰의 csv저장 기능 활용)
  • (2) Then you convert each of them to the LAZ format with txt2las using the '-parse xyz' or the '-parse xyzi' option.
  • (3) Then you tile the resulting LAZ files into buffered tiles that have less than, say 10 million, points per tile with lastile. lastile -v -i drivelines/*.laz -merged -tile_size 100 -buffer 5 -odir raw_tiles -o gmu.laz
  • (4) Then you refine tiles to 10 million points per tile if needed lastile -v -i raw_tiles/*.laz -refine_tiles 10000000 -cores 4
  • (5) And then - starting from the tiles in the tiles_raw folder - you run one of those many tile-based batch processing pipelines for ground classification and DTM generation described previously in numerous tutorials, videos, and forum entries.

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