1. draw_geometries()
Open3D provides a convenient visualization function draw_geometries
which takes a list of geometry objects (PointCloud, TriangleMesh, or Image), and renders them together.
1.1 하나씩 시각화
print("Load a ply point cloud, print it, and render it")
pcd = read_point_cloud("test.pcd")
1. 2 연속 재생Non-blocking visualization
- 컨트롤 flag :
#간략 코드
vis = Visualizer()
for i in range(icp_iteration):
# do ICP single iteration
# transform geometry using ICP
#전체 코드
# examples/Python/Advanced/
from open3d import *
import numpy as np
import copy
if __name__ == "__main__":
source_raw = read_point_cloud("../../TestData/ICP/cloud_bin_0.pcd")
target_raw = read_point_cloud("../../TestData/ICP/cloud_bin_1.pcd")
source = voxel_down_sample(source_raw, voxel_size = 0.02)
target = voxel_down_sample(target_raw, voxel_size = 0.02)
trans = [[0.862, 0.011, -0.507, 0.0],
[-0.139, 0.967, -0.215, 0.7],
[0.487, 0.255, 0.835, -1.4],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
#Both point clouds are flipped for better visualization.
flip_transform = [[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, -1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, -1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]]
#Initialize Visualizer class
vis = Visualizer()
threshold = 0.05
icp_iteration = 100
save_image = False
for i in range(icp_iteration):
reg_p2l = registration_icp(source, target, threshold,
np.identity(4), TransformationEstimationPointToPlane(),
ICPConvergenceCriteria(max_iteration = 1))
vis.update_geometry() #informs the `vis` that the related geometries are updated
vis.poll_events() #visualizer renders a new frame by calling `poll_events` and `update_renderer`.
if save_image:
vis.capture_screen_image("temp_%04d.jpg" % i)
2. draw_geometries_with_custom_animation()
allows the programmer to define a custom view trajectory and play an animation in the GUI.
3. ustomized Visualization](
3.1 Mimic draw_geometries() with Visualizer class
와 동일한 기능 수행
def custom_draw_geometry(pcd):
# The following code achieves the same effect as:
# draw_geometries([pcd])
vis = Visualizer()
3.2 Change field of view
3.3 custom_draw_geometry_with_rotation()
회전 기능으로, 데모용으로 좋을듯
registers a Python callback function rotate_view as the idle function of the main loop.It rotates the view along the x-axis whenever the visualizer is idle. This defines an animation behavior.
def custom_draw_geometry_with_rotation(pcd):
def rotate_view(vis):
ctr = vis.get_view_control()
ctr.rotate(10.0, 0.0)
return False
draw_geometries_with_animation_callback([pcd], rotate_view)
3.4 키값 연계
- 배경색 변경
- 깊이 정보 추출
- 이미지 캡쳐
시각화 창에서
키 이용 도움말 보기
-- Mouse view control --
Left button + drag : Rotate.
Ctrl + left button + drag : Translate.
Wheel : Zoom in/out.
-- Keyboard view control --
[/] : Increase/decrease field of view.
R : Reset view point.
Ctrl/Cmd + C : Copy current view status into the clipboard.
Ctrl/Cmd + V : Paste view status from clipboard.
-- General control --
Q, Esc : Exit window.
H : Print help message.
P, PrtScn : Take a screen capture.
D : Take a depth capture.
O : Take a capture of current rendering settings.
-- Render mode control --
L : Turn on/off lighting.
+/- : Increase/decrease point size.
N : Turn on/off point cloud normal rendering.
S : Toggle between mesh flat shading and smooth shading.
W : Turn on/off mesh wireframe.
B : Turn on/off back face rendering.
I : Turn on/off image zoom in interpolation.
T : Toggle among image render:
no stretch / keep ratio / freely stretch.
-- Color control --
0..4,9 : Set point cloud color option.
0 - Default behavior, render point color.
1 - Render point color.
2 - x coordinate as color.
3 - y coordinate as color.
4 - z coordinate as color.
9 - normal as color.
Ctrl + 0..4,9: Set mesh color option.
0 - Default behavior, render uniform gray color.
1 - Render point color.
2 - x coordinate as color.
3 - y coordinate as color.
4 - z coordinate as color.
9 - normal as color.
Shift + 0..4 : Color map options.
0 - Gray scale color.
1 - JET color map.
2 - SUMMER color map.
3 - WINTER color map.
4 - HOT color map.
2. Jupyter
1. 그리기
Detection 후 B.Box 그릴때 필요 할듯
2. 색변경
np.asarray(pcd.colors)[idx[1:], :] = [0, 0, 1]
We pick the 1500-th point as the anchor point and paint it red.
# src/Python/Tutorial/Basic/
import sys
import numpy as np
from py3d import *
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Testing kdtree in py3d ...")
print("Load a point cloud and paint it gray.")
pcd = read_point_cloud("../../TestData/Feature/cloud_bin_0.pcd")
pcd.paint_uniform_color([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
pcd_tree = KDTreeFlann(pcd)
print("Paint the 1500th point red.")
pcd.colors[1500] = [1, 0, 0]
print("Find its 200 nearest neighbors, paint blue.")
[k, idx, _] = pcd_tree.search_knn_vector_3d(pcd.points[1500], 200)
np.asarray(pcd.colors)[idx[1:], :] = [0, 0, 1]
print("Find its neighbors with distance less than 0.2, paint green.")
[k, idx, _] = pcd_tree.search_radius_vector_3d(pcd.points[1500], 0.2)
np.asarray(pcd.colors)[idx[1:], :] = [0, 1, 0]
print("Visualize the point cloud.")