Euclidean Cluster Extraction

가장 간단한 방법으로 두 점사이의 거리 정보를 이용한다. Euclidean segmentation is the simplest of all. It checks the distance between two points.

  • 거리가 특정 값보다 작다면 같은 클러스터로 간주 한다. If it is less than a threshold, both are considered to belong in the same cluster.

It works like a flood fill algorithm:

  1. a point in the cloud is "marked" as "chosen" for the cluster.
  2. Then, it spreads like a virus to all other points that are near enough, and from those to even more points, until none new can be added.
  3. Then, a new cluster is initialized, and the procedure starts again with the remaining unmarked points.
import numpy as np
import pcl

cloud = pcl.load('./examples/pcldata/tutorials/table_scene_lms400.pcd')

#   // Create the filtering object: downsample the dataset using a leaf size of 1cm
vg = cloud.make_voxel_grid_filter()
vg.set_leaf_size (0.01, 0.01, 0.01)
cloud_filtered = vg.filter ()

#   // Create the segmentation object for the planar model and set all the parameters
seg = cloud.make_segmenter()
seg.set_optimize_coefficients (True)
seg.set_model_type (pcl.SACMODEL_PLANE)
seg.set_method_type (pcl.SAC_RANSAC)
seg.set_MaxIterations (100)
seg.set_distance_threshold (0.02)

i = 0
nr_points = cloud_filtered.size

# Creating the KdTree object for the search method of the extraction
tree = cloud_filtered.make_kdtree()

ec = cloud_filtered.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()
ec.set_ClusterTolerance (0.02)
ec.set_MinClusterSize (100)
ec.set_MaxClusterSize (25000)
ec.set_SearchMethod (tree)
cluster_indices = ec.Extract()

print('cluster_indices : ' + str(cluster_indices.count) + " count.")
cloud_cluster = pcl.PointCloud()

for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices):
    # cloudsize = indices
    print('indices = ' + str(len(indices)))
    # cloudsize = len(indices)
    points = np.zeros((len(indices), 3), dtype=np.float32)
    # points = np.zeros((cloudsize, 3), dtype=np.float32)

    # for indice in range(len(indices)):
    for i, indice in enumerate(indices):
        # print('dataNum = ' + str(i) + ', data point[x y z]: ' + str(cloud_filtered[indice][0]) + ' ' + str(cloud_filtered[indice][1]) + ' ' + str(cloud_filtered[indice][2]))
        # print('PointCloud representing the Cluster: ' + str(cloud_cluster.size) + " data points.")
        points[i][0] = cloud_filtered[indice][0]
        points[i][1] = cloud_filtered[indice][1]
        points[i][2] = cloud_filtered[indice][2]

    ss = "cloud_cluster_" + str(j) + ".pcd";, ss)


GitBook 코드 모음

1. 유클리드 클러스터링

# Euclidean Clustering
def euclid_cluster(cloud):
    white_cloud = XYZRGB_to_XYZ(cloud) # Apply function to convert XYZRGB to XYZ
    tree = white_cloud.make_kdtree()
    ec = white_cloud.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()
    cluster_indices = ec.Extract()

    return cluster_indices, white_cloud

def cluster_mask(cluster_indices, white_cloud):
    # Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
    #Assign a color corresponding to each segmented object in scene
    cluster_color = get_color_list(len(cluster_indices))

    color_cluster_point_list = []

    for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices):
        for i, indice in enumerate(indices):
                                            rgb_to_float( cluster_color[j] )

    #Create new cloud containing all clusters, each with unique color
    cluster_cloud = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()

    return cluster_cloud

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import sklearn
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

import pickle

from sensor_stick.srv import GetNormals
from sensor_stick.features import compute_color_histograms
from sensor_stick.features import compute_normal_histograms
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker

from sensor_stick.marker_tools import *
from sensor_stick.msg import DetectedObjectsArray
from sensor_stick.msg import DetectedObject
from sensor_stick.pcl_helper import *

from pcl_helper import *
from filtering_helper import *

# This pipeline separates the objects in the table from the given scene
def split_cloud(cloud):

  # Downsample the cloud as high resolution which comes with a computation cost
  downsampled_cloud = do_voxel_grid_filter(point_cloud = cloud, LEAF_SIZE = 0.01)

  # Get only information in our region of interest as we don't care about the other parts
  filtered_cloud = do_passthrough_filter(point_cloud = downsampled_cloud, 
                                         name_axis = 'z', min_axis = 0.6, max_axis = 1.1)

  # Separate the table from everything else
  table_cloud, objects_cloud = do_ransac_plane_segmentation(filtered_cloud, max_distance = 0.01)

  return objects_cloud, table_cloud

# This pipeline returns groups of indices for each cluster of points
# Each cluster of indices is grouped as belonging to the same object
# This uses DBSCAN Algorithm Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with noise
# Aka Eucledian clustering to group points 
def get_clusters(cloud, tolerance, min_size, max_size):

  tree = cloud.make_kdtree()
  extraction_object = cloud.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()


  # Get clusters of indices for each cluster of points, each clusterbelongs to the same object
  # 'clusters' is effectively a list of lists, with each list containing indices of the cloud
  clusters = extraction_object.Extract()
  return clusters

# clusters is a list of lists each list containing indices of the cloud
# cloud is an array with each cell having three numbers corresponding to x, y, z position
# Returns list of [x, y, z, color]
def get_colored_clusters(clusters, cloud):

  # Get a random unique colors for each object
  number_of_clusters = len(clusters)
  colors = get_color_list(number_of_clusters)

  colored_points = []

  # Assign a color for each point
  # Points with the same color belong to the same cluster
  for cluster_id, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
    for c, i in enumerate(cluster):
      x, y, z = cloud[i][0], cloud[i][1], cloud[i][2]
      color = rgb_to_float(colors[cluster_id])
      colored_points.append([x, y, z, color])

  return colored_points

def get_normals(cloud):
  get_normals_prox = rospy.ServiceProxy('/feature_extractor/get_normals', GetNormals)
  return get_normals_prox(cloud).cluster

# Callback function for your Point Cloud Subscriber
def pcl_callback(pcl_msg):

  # Convert ROS msg to PCL data
  cloud = ros_to_pcl(pcl_msg) 

  # Extract objects and table from the scene
  objects_cloud, table_cloud = split_cloud(cloud) 

  # Get a point cloud of only the position information without color information
  colorless_cloud = XYZRGB_to_XYZ(objects_cloud)

  # Get groups of indices for each cluster of points
  # Each group of points belongs to the same object
  # This is effectively a list of lists, with each list containing indices of the cloud
  clusters = get_clusters(colorless_cloud, tolerance = 0.05, min_size = 100, max_size = 1500)

  # Assign a unique color float for each point (x, y, z)
  # Points with the same color belong to the same cluster
  colored_points = get_colored_clusters(clusters, colorless_cloud)

  # Create a cloud with each cluster of points having the same color
  clusters_cloud = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()


  detected_objects_labels = []
  detected_objects = []

  for i, indices in enumerate(clusters):

    cluster = objects_cloud.extract(indices)

    # Convert point cloud cluster to ros message
    cluster_msg = pcl_to_ros(cluster)

    # Get features
    color_hist = compute_color_histograms(cluster_msg, using_hsv = True)
    normal_hist = compute_normal_histograms(get_normals(cluster_msg))
    features = np.concatenate((color_hist, normal_hist))    

    # Predict and get label
    prediction = classifier.predict(scaler.transform(features.reshape(1, -1)))
    label = encoder.inverse_transform(prediction)[0]

    # Get label position near object and publish in RViz
    label_position = list(colorless_cloud[indices[0]])
    label_position[2] += 0.4
    object_markers_publisher.publish(make_label(label, label_position, i))

    # Add detection to list of detected objects
    detectedObject = DetectedObject()
    detectedObject.label = label = pcl_to_ros(clusters_cloud)

  # Publish the list of detected objects
  rospy.loginfo('Detected {} objects: {}'.format(len(detected_objects_labels), detected_objects_labels))

if __name__ == '__main__':

  # Initialize ros node
  rospy.init_node('object_markers_pub', anonymous = True)

  # Create Subscribers
  subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("/sensor_stick/point_cloud", pc2.PointCloud2, pcl_callback, queue_size = 1)

  # Create Publishers
  object_markers_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/object_markers", Marker, queue_size = 1)
  detected_objects_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/detected_objects", DetectedObjectsArray, queue_size = 1)

  # Load Model From disk
  model = pickle.load(open('model.sav', 'rb'))
  classifier = model['classifier']
  encoder = LabelEncoder()
  encoder.classes_ = model['classes']
  scaler = model['scaler']

  # Initialize color_list
  get_color_list.color_list = []

  # Spin 
  while not rospy.is_shutdown():


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