Region growing segmentation
물체의 normals과 curvatures정보를 이용하여 비슷한것끼리 묶어서 그룹으로 처리
This is also a greedy-like, flood fill approach like the Euclidean one
The angle between their normals and the difference of curvatures are checked to see if they could belong to the same smooth surface.
유클리드 방식과의 차이점 : Think about a box laying on a table:
- 유클리드는 테이블의 위 상자의 경우 붙어 있으므로 하나로 간주한다. with Euclidean segmentation, both would be considered to be in the same cluster because they are "touching".
- 리전그로위은 테이블과 상자의 Normal정보가 다름으로 분류가 가능하다. With region growing segmentation, this would not happen, because there is a 90° (with ideal normal estimation, that is) difference between the normals of a point in the table and another one in the box's lateral.
python-pcl활용 (아직 적용 안된듯)
import pcl
p = pcl.load("./table_scene_lms400.pcd")
vg = p.make_voxel_grid_filter()
vg.set_leaf_size(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)
cloud_filtered = vg.filter()
tree = cloud_filtered.make_kdtree()
segment = cloud_filtered.make_RegionGrowing(ksearch=50)
cluster_indices = segment.Extract()
cloud_cluster = pcl.PointCloud()
Tests of pcl.segment
import os
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import RandomState
import pytest
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + os.path.pardir)
import pcl
import pcl.segment as ps
import pcl.features as pf
def test_regiongrow():
Test RegionGrowing
cloud = pcl.PointCloud(np.random.rand(200, 3), ['x', 'y', 'z'])
# cloud = + '/data/car6.pcd')
regiongrow = ps.RegionGrowing(cloud)
with pytest.raises(ValueError): # No normal is inputted
nestimate = pf.NormalEstimation(cloud)
nestimate.search_k = 10
normals = nestimate.compute()
regiongrow.input_normals = normals
regions = regiongrow.extract()
# TODO: visual or other checking is needed
cluster = regions[-1]
assert regiongrow.get_segment_from_point(cluster[-1]) == cluster
color = regiongrow.get_colored_cloud()
colora = regiongrow.get_colored_cloud_rgba()
assert (colora.rgba['a'] == 255).all()
coloredcloud = cloud + color
coloredclouda = cloud + colora
assert 'rgb' in coloredcloud.names
assert 'rgba' in coloredclouda.names
if __name__ == '__main__':
pytest.main([__file__, '-s'])