The PCL Registration API
1. 개요
- 정의 : The problem of consistently aligning various 3D point cloud data views into a complete model is known as registration
- 목적 : find the relative positions and orientations of the separately acquired views in a global coordinate framework
- 분류
- Global Registration : 초기값 불필요
- Local Registration : 초기값 필요(Global Regstration사용), eg. ICP registration
- 절차 : subsequent processing steps such as segmentation and object reconstruction can be applied.
- The algorithmic work in the PCL registration library is motivated by
- 대응점 찾기
finding correct point correspondences in the given input datasets,
- 강체 변환(회전, 이동) 예측
and estimating rigid transformations that can rotate and translate each individual dataset into a consistent global coordinate framework.
- 대응점 찾기
- 필요 기능
PCL contains a set of powerful algorithms that allow
- 대응점 평가 방법
the estimation of multiple sets of correspondences,
- 나쁜 대응점 제거 방
as well as methods for rejecting bad correspondences,
- 변환 파악
and estimating transformations in a robust manner from them.
- 대응점 평가 방법
2. An overview of pairwise registration
- 목표 : transformation matrix (4x4) 계산
- representing the rotation and translation
절차 The computational steps for two datasets are straightforward:
- from a set of points, identify interest points (i.e., keypoints) that best represent the scene in both datasets;
- at each keypoint, compute a feature descriptor;
- from the set of feature descriptors together with their XYZ positions in the two datasets,
- estimate a set of correspondences, based on the similarities between features and positions;
- given that the data is assumed to be noisy, not all correspondences are valid, so reject those bad correspondences that contribute negatively to the registration process;
- from the remaining set of good correspondences, estimate a motion transformation.
3. Registration modules
3.1 Keypoints
keypoint is an interest point that has a “special property” in the scene
- 코너
There are a number of different keypoints available in PCL like
3.2 Feature descriptors
Based on the keypoints found we have to extract features
Again there is a number of feature options to choose from, for example
3.3 Correspondences estimation
Depending on the feature type we can use different methods to find the correspondences.
A. For point matching
using the points’ xyz-coordinates as features
- brute force matching,
- kd-tree nearest neighbor search (FLANN),
- searching in the image space of organized data, and
- searching in the index space of organized data.
B. For feature matching
not using the points’ coordinates, but certain features
- brute force matching and
- kd-tree nearest neighbor search (FLANN).
3.4 Correspondences rejection
Since wrong correspondences can negatively affect the estimation of the final transformation, they need to be rejected.
- trimming down the amount and using only a certain percent of the found correspondences
3.5 Transformation estimation
compute the transformation.
- evaluate some error metric based on correspondence
- estimate a (rigid) transformation between camera poses (motion estimate) and minimize error metric
- optimize the structure of the points
- Examples: - SVD for motion estimate; - Levenberg-Marquardt with different kernels for motion estimate;
- use the rigid transformation to rotate/translate the source onto the target, and potentially run an internal ICP loop with either all points or a subset of points or the keypoints
- iterate until some convergence criterion is met
- eg. Normal Distributions Transform (NDT)
4. Example pipelines
4.1 Iterative Closest Point
- Search for correspondences.
- Reject bad correspondences.
- Estimate a transformation using the good correspondences.
- Iterate.
4.2 Feature based registration
- use SIFT Keypoints (pcl::SIFT…something)
- use FPFH descriptors (pcl::FPFHEstimation) at the keypoints
- see our tutorials for that, like
- get the FPFH descriptors and estimate correspondences using
- reject bad correspondences using one or many of the
pcl::CorrespondenceRejectionXXX methods
- finally get a transformation as mentioned above